The Trans•Parency Podcast Show

Conservative Values and Cancel Culture

May 21, 2024 Shane Ivan Nash, Blossom C. Brown
Conservative Values and Cancel Culture
The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
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The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
Conservative Values and Cancel Culture
May 21, 2024
Shane Ivan Nash, Blossom C. Brown

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Caught in the crossfire of her convictions, Candace Owens recently discovered that even a bulwark against cancel culture isn't immune to its tides. 

Our latest clip episode navigates the tangled web of Owens' predicament, an advocate for conservative values now sidelined by allies she once stood with. 

Shane Ivan Nash and Blossom C. Brown lay bare the intricate layers of irony and consequence, considering the damage done to communities she's critiqued and the broader implications of her actions.

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Caught in the crossfire of her convictions, Candace Owens recently discovered that even a bulwark against cancel culture isn't immune to its tides. 

Our latest clip episode navigates the tangled web of Owens' predicament, an advocate for conservative values now sidelined by allies she once stood with. 

Shane Ivan Nash and Blossom C. Brown lay bare the intricate layers of irony and consequence, considering the damage done to communities she's critiqued and the broader implications of her actions.

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Speaker 1:

with everything. I think yesterday he posted an Easter picture with his daughter, his toddler, on Instagram. I didn't see it, but I was reading about it today, so it was a mess, oh my God. That's all.

Speaker 2:

I got to say, speaking of messes, have you heard what happened to Candace Owens? Oh, the craziest thing. So, oh, oh, oh, that's a longer one. That's a long button. Nope, okay, yeah, I ooh, ooh, ooh, that's a longer one, that's a long button Nope, Okay yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was like Candace Owens Nope. Candace Owens Nope. Just for anybody out there that says that we should be supporting Candace Owens just because you know a clock strikes twice a day, right, but that doesn't mean that it's accurate and unfortunately— we know that y'all. Yeah, no, actually I actually did not know that If a clock is broken at 12, at least twice a day, it's going to be right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Oh, 12pm and 12am oh okay, yeah, yeah, because the hands will be stuck there.

Speaker 2:

so at least I didn't know y'all, that makes sense now Like okay, okay, so like for Candace in her whole situation where she's getting canceled this is something that she has, like, vehemently talked about for so long about the left, about cancel culture, yeah, and all of those things that are going on Now, meanwhile, at the same time, she's getting canceled by her side, the side that she fought for, and something that I heard today I was watching a TikToker actually make a really good review of, like how their perspective of Candace Owens' situation is. It's like she sat here for years and years and years and years and years and using her identity as a black woman to actually empower racists to say things identity as a black woman to actually empower racists to say things and it seems like now that they have become the leopard eating party and they're eating her face. In that sense, like, to an extent, do I feel for Candace? Yes, because I even see how she was exploited. Yes, but she also willingly, as an adult, as as intelligence, as she says she, you know she is.

Speaker 2:

How did you let that slide past you? Where now you've got all of these folks that you are representing that don't look like you, that the moment you say something they don't like, you're out the door you don't have a job. What was all of that for? Because you've caused harm for multiple different communities, especially the trans community. You have come from my community so much, in so many different ways and completely have even forgot about trans men especially. You've especially come for black trans women in some reason, as some sort of I mean I don't know necessarily how to navigate Candace Owens, because one drop of me feels bad for her, but for the rest of it it's like you planted these seeds, you sowed them and these are the flowers you got.

Speaker 1:

Now to a certain degree, you know I disagree with you, I know, I know, and that's why we work.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, no, I want to hear it.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel sorry for her and I am a black woman. You know black conservatives are an oxymoron to me. All these black conservatives are an oxymoron. You know. That party is going to remind you that you are nothing more than a black person who is deemed inferior to what they are about. I don't care what y'all say. This woman wore a White Lives Matter shirt with Kanye West, thinking that somehow, some way, she was doing something. Yeah, and she's talked down on trans people. She's talked down on so many people. And it's funny because I got attacked on social media recently about Candace. Oh no, I think I commented on the shade room on a neighborhood talk, and black people were attacking me. They were just like oh, you're just mad because she's a free thinker. Well, first of all, we're all free thinkers. Number one you know what I mean. Number two is the fact that this woman is just really vile. I saw her interview on the Breakfast Club and I will say this though it was a very interesting conversation because they had asked questions.

Speaker 2:

That's where she got from the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they had asked her questions about her husband or whatnot, because you know she has a white husband and she has a mixed baby. But her response was actually interesting. I will say that it was really interesting because, you know, I think she talked about more of IQ versus disingenuous about other black people. It it? It's hard, it's hard to even navigate and go with that or whatever like that. And so you know, I saw ben shapiro getting on her and all the things or whatever.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is it's like somebody's gonna watch and say, how could you not have compassion for another black woman? Well, I don't have compassion for black people that cause harm to other black people intentionally just to appease a base that they know is not going to care for them in the long run. This is why I feel trans conservatives are the same way. It's like you know these people don't like you. You will demean and devalue your own self to appease these people because somehow, some way, they give y'all that attention. They give y'all the attention, they give y'all the views, they amplify you know your propaganda and it's it's pathetic, and I think what candace owens they made her the prime example yeah of where black people yeah, in the conservative party will always remain well, anyone.

Speaker 2:

That's a minority if you really think about it. That is not a cis white, affluent male, latinos, asians, conservatives. Exactly, it shows that those roles that you are playing you're being used as a tool, and I think the example of Candace Owens should send a message to all those folks that are in minority communities that are uplifting these harmful rhetorics because the idea that co-opting that somehow is going to bring something over to your community when all reality, at the end of the day, what did Candace Owens get from the community other than cut off as soon as she wasn't saying what they wanted?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, that's that's that makes her a tool for their oppression, that that that's what I see in the sense. And another thing is I will in the sense, and another thing is I will agree with you and that's why I don't. Another thing is, like I'm white, yeah, as you always say. Clearly, I'm not a trans man. You know so these conversations as well. Like I think that for you to actually be able to talk about Big bitch, yeah, on the white part, on the white part On the white part, you navigating these conversations.

Speaker 2:

I think it's very important to especially uplift the black community talking about Candace Owens, because all day I can say I can see how I can empathize with her and this, that and the other. But that can also be dangerous too, because I don't want to lend any of my credibility or anything to Candace because, again, she's caused a lot of harm and I think that these type of conversations like I told you about that tiktoker um who's going online and saying that, oh, we should support candace. Yeah, it's giving grifter yeah, even on on behalf.

Speaker 2:

That's a good word as well, like a, when he did that as a tiktoker, and I'm not going to name him, but I'm sure you can look it up.

Speaker 1:

What? Yeah, you know we love the name Trump on this show.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll give him a break, because he's already— what's the?

Speaker 1:

first letter. I believe, it's a K. You know, I'm a dig, honey, I'm a dig, dig, dig until.

Speaker 2:

I can't dig no more. I'll let the audience have some homework to research on. And, by the way, make sure to like and subscribe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, did we say that earlier?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think we did that. Okay, we're going to say that in the middle of the episode.

Speaker 2:

Make sure to like and subscribe so you all can hear more of this. But again, going back to it, like and I don't know, I think, the way that he even approached that as this, like because he's very liberal leaning, you know a lot of his language that he uses on TikTok, and for him to go well, candace is on our side, so now we should take her in of damage that she has caused and especially empowered cis white men to say very hateful things because they'll go well, candace is saying it, so why can't I say it in the same way that blair does that to that lesbian community?

Speaker 1:

oh, but candace destroyed blair in that debate. She annihilated blair white.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry I thought we weren't giving any credit to candace today. Let's be clear we're giving one drop of credit Because I saw that episode. That's the line.

Speaker 1:

I saw that episode, that debate with Candace Owens and Blair White, and Candace Owens annihilated Blair White for Phil. Yeah, and I could tell that because I've had personal experience with Blair and how she's lied. I could understand where Candace was coming from more. That's the only reason why I say what I say. But you know, candace, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I think sometimes we give certain people too much benefit of the doubt and they run with it, and Candace is one of those people, and so I hope that this is a lesson for her. You know, I hope that she seeks healing. I don't want anything bad to happen to her, but it's kind of like you reap what you sow and you catch your karma eventually, because deep down inside, those people do not care about black women.

Speaker 2:

No, black women in general, and the oppression of trans black women affects black women. How many cis women in the last year have been murdered or attacked because they thought they were trans?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, transphobia affects all women and I've been saying this for quite some time 100%, and the thing is it's like, but Candace weaponizes transphobia to a certain degree and it's just kind of like it makes it hard for people like me to support you when you've caused so much harm. That is irreconcilable, you know what I mean. Like you can't reconcile with that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause some of the things she said straight to the camera, straight to the face. It's like you can't take those words back. And if you're not going to take accountability for the impact of those words too and just kind of like move on, that's abuse. Yeah, your audience in a sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she went to a school and I remember this student stood up and asked Candace, you know what are your thoughts on you being here when the trans community is not comfortable? And her response was I'm too pregnant to care. Get a helmet. Life's tough and I was just like. You know that's such a cop out. But black conservatives I don't expect anything more from them. Yeah, I genuinely don't expect anything intellectually honest.

Candace Owens and Cancel Culture
Candace Owens and Black Community
Discussion on Candace Owens' Impact