The Trans•Parency Podcast Show

The Intersection of Artistry and Human Rights

May 27, 2024 Shelbe Chang, DaVida Sal
The Intersection of Artistry and Human Rights
The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
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The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
The Intersection of Artistry and Human Rights
May 27, 2024
Shelbe Chang, DaVida Sal

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Have you ever felt like an alien in your skin, or pondered the true colors of your identity? 

Our fascinating guest, DaVida, a nomadic soul and artistic force, shares the liberating journey of her physical transformation, and how it mirrors her internal evolution. 

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Have you ever felt like an alien in your skin, or pondered the true colors of your identity? 

Our fascinating guest, DaVida, a nomadic soul and artistic force, shares the liberating journey of her physical transformation, and how it mirrors her internal evolution. 

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Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're very beautiful and when I first met you I didn't know, and I think I shared this with you. When I first saw your picture in person. It reminds me of Liv Tyler. Remember Liv Tyler? Yes, I was like wow.

Speaker 1:

It depends on the day. Sometimes it's a human, or Lana Del Rey or Kate Beckinsale, but before I was Brunette, so I was Liv Tyler then.

Speaker 2:

I went blonde in.

Speaker 1:

LA I went blonde, so I was Nicole Kinman or Lana Del Rey.

Speaker 2:

Nicole Kinman too. So very inspiring because when I met you I considered I just kind of started in the midway. So I see the possibility, I see the beauty that any of us can become right. So you want to tell us how did you like I know you travel a lot Like, how did you manage to get into different places? Like do you use, like you want to be a different place to to spread a voice, spread your art, artistic side? You know what, like your purpose of traveling around?

Speaker 1:

yeah, well, I'm a nomad. I'm a nomad. I cannot be in one place for too long. Oh, I cannot be with one relationship for too long. I need change. I need change, I need to move, I need to explore and discover and learn. So, and I'm still looking for, searching for my place in the world. This calendar is a fucking loud, it's okay, I know. So, yeah, I'm still looking, searching for my place on this planet. Right, I don't think it's Mexico and I don't think it's US, so I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I'm like still debating, I think maybe your place or our place is not a planet, it's universe out there.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know I feel homesick. You know, ever since I was born, I always felt I was an alien. You know, I never felt I was part of this planet or this humanity. Now I'm feeling more human than ever because our humanity is being jeopardized and it's been challenged by the new technologies and the ai and um, you know, and all that stuff. So now I feel more human yeah so uh-huh.

Speaker 2:

So let's talk about, um, your arts a little bit. Your you make movies too. So let's start with the arts. Your photography, and I just follow you and you're not just pose beautiful, but you really, I'll say, costume right, even though some of the photo you do is nudity, but you put on, you paint yourself and make it into a costume. I think that's very, very artistic. Can you kind of share with us and how do you get that inspiration or how do you get that idea?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely Well, I use my body as a canvas, I use my body as a banner right To share my message, to spread my message of love, compassion, freedom, peace. I'm all about that. So I use my creativity, my imagination and my body to make an impact, to raise awareness for the social issues and injustices that I feel very compelled to share. And there is so much going on right, there's so much chaos much conflict.

Speaker 1:

Well, so I have to pick what's. What's what I'm more passionate about. You know, I have a great body. I love my body. I love my body. You know, growing up I was ashamed because I was too tall or I was too thin or I was too. This too, that blah, blah, blah. You know, but now I just feel it's a perfect body. It's such a gift.

Speaker 2:

As long as you love yourself, you like, you like your body, then yeah, who cares about?

Speaker 1:

what I don't think. I want everybody to love their bodies just the way god, because we're gifts. I mean the blessing that we are here right now talking. You know I lost so many beloved friends and family over the years, so every day for me it's a gift. So I don't have anything to complain about my life or my body or anything like that. I'm blessed.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I do feel your energy. I feel, like I mentioned, I follow your posts. A lot of motivation or inspiration message that you give out I can reflect. You know, like that, we, like you said, we, we should love who we are, and our mind, our heart is what's important, not other people's opinion or other people's point of view of anything right, and and we of anything right and and we, once our, we are aligned inside out, then we, our vision, our eye, that's the reality, not not, you know, not other people's thing, because everyone has different point of view so they can see one thing one way than the other people. Absolutely, yeah, yeah. So that's why our days are we all have our own experience of life.

Speaker 1:

We all have our own filters and lens, how we perceive life. But it's their problem, it's their trip, it's their own experience. It has nothing to do with mine Exactly no like I want to recommend to you and all the audience if you haven't read the book the four agreements. You know, don Miguel Reed, the Four Agreements.

Speaker 2:

The Fourth Agreement. Okay, I'll put it. It's on Amazon, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the Four Agreements saved my life. Because Four Agreements? The first is don't take anything personally.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with the other people how they perceive you.

Speaker 1:

Right don't make any assumptions, because sometimes we make assumptions right. Especially we trans women and trans men. We always afraid and insecure. They're going to find out and what they're going to think. You know I, I, I sound too deep or I look too feminine or look too this, and that you know it's it's. You're making assumptions? Yeah, then always do your best. Whatever you do, always do your best Right and then be impeccable with your work. You know, any word that comes out of your mouth has to be very well thought, because words have power, yes, worth is is, everything is energy.

Speaker 2:

So whatever you put out is energy when we're talking. Right now we're kind of bouncing back and forth the energy that's right what was the first thing?

Speaker 1:

that? The first thing was the word of god, right when god spoke, created the universe, so he has lots of power.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I also recently just believe that every single person is a creator right. So your life, your reality, you have to create your own. If you're negative, then your life suck, that's right.

Speaker 2:

If you play the victim you attract more victimhood and you're right, so, so. So that's why some people always negative, some people always yeah, down in a dream, because that's what they create to themselves. Right, that's right. And then and this, this has to do a lot with our trans people as well we want this life. We create our own identity first, and then we put the path, the journey in front of us to walk towards it. So that's why I think I realized this as well at the same time, and when we are talking about book, you do have a. Is it a photo? Coffee table book I've seen it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I have two. I self-published two coffee table books about my art, which I call it artivism. It's art and activism combined. So you know, I always been very creative and lots of imagination. So I thought and I always wanted to save the world. Ever since I was a little girl, I was watching the movies Batman, superhero movies I wanted to save the world, yes, so one day I just created this persona Jill Love, that was my warrior name yes, and she, she became vital, she went vital overnight and she became like a big big thing.

Speaker 1:

You know, in 10 years, I've done what I've done with my love revolution, right, yeah, and I loved it. I got to travel the world and meet lots of people and cultures and it was really fun and, and you know, I made, I made really, uh, I accomplished so much, you know, thought of the day of Washington post, thought of the year a Wall Street journal. I got the certification of appreciation by Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, in 2015 for my human rights campaigns around the world. And, yeah, that's something I want to. I want to inspire others to do.

Speaker 2:

It's not just me.

Speaker 1:

I'm not doing this to be famous, Of course not, Even though I love the fame and stuff you know. But I want the message to be famous. I want the message to be shared and spread.

Speaker 2:

Right. That's why we're doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I am just the tool Messenger, the messenger Right spread right. That's why we're doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I am just the, the tool messenger, the messenger, the channeler, right, so the priestess, yeah, same as we're doing this podcast, we're just I know there's a lot of haters out there, but there's a lot there's just as long as there's one person that we're doing this show that we can help them. Just one, one person.

Speaker 1:

Let's send the haters lots of love, because what they see in others, they see it in themselves. We're projecting all the time, yeah. So let's send them love, and let's just focus on the ones who really care and respect and appreciate us yeah, so can people find those uh coffee table photo books?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you can go to my website um wwwdavidasalabertcom okay, we will also including in the show notes yeah, I mean also the, the book that you mentioned from that, uh, amazon store. Okay, so talk about photos, books. How about film, the like?

Speaker 1:

let's talk I always wanted to be a filmmaker and an actress when I was a little girl. Right One day I started, I was in San Francisco and I made my first short film. It was 30 minutes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And, honestly, I had no idea how to how to make movies, so I just, I just knew I wanted to make them, and then you know, once you are very clear of what you want, the universe conspires to make it happen. Yes,

Nomadic Artivism and Self-Love
Inspiring Others Through Art and Activism