The Trans•Parency Podcast Show

Emergency Podcast: Assassination Attempt at Trump Rally

July 15, 2024 Shelbe Chang, Thomas Barnes

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Could an attempted assassination at a Trump rally change the course of American politics? 

This gripping episode recounts the chaotic and harrowing moments when shots were fired at a rally in Pennsylvania, resulting in a man's tragic death. Through video footage and firsthand accounts, we detail the immediate reaction of the Secret Service and the crowd's shock and confusion.

We hear from a first-time rally attendee who, despite the violence, finds their support for Trump even more steadfast. 

Joining Shelbe Chang and Thomas unpack the polarized reactions and conspiracy theories that have emerged in the aftermath. We delve into Joe Biden's response, likening the shooting's significance to the lasting impact of 9-11, and analyze the varied social media reactions. 

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Shelbe Chang:

Okay, this is going live July 13, 2024. I'm sure everyone heard of the Trump rally in Pennsylvania shooting, attempting assassination, so this is a. I'm going to share some video in case you haven't seen it, and we're going to have a reaction to this event shortly after these videos, so stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

A little bit old that chart. That chart's a couple of months old and if you want to really see something that's said, take a look at what happened. Get down, get down, get down, get down.

Speaker 3:

Get down, get down, get down, Go, go, go go, go, go, Move to the square. Move to the square Hold.

Speaker 4:

Hold when you're ready On you, ready, move Up, move Go.

Speaker 3:

All guys here, all guys here, move to the square. Okay, ready, ready, ready's here. Ok, sarah, move to the fair Fair, get ready.

Speaker 5:

Fair get ready, you ready, are we good?

Speaker 3:

Shooter's down, shooter's down. Are we good to move? We're clear, let's move.

Speaker 4:

Clear, we're clear, we're clear.

Speaker 3:

Come on, let me get my shoes, I got you, sir, I got you, sir, let me get my shoes. Hold on, your head is bloody, sir. We've got to move too close, come on. Come on, let me get my shoes. Okay, my shoes are gone. All right, my shoes.

Speaker 4:

Watch out.

Shelbe Chang:

So this is showing Trump getting up. It looks like he was kind of got shot from the ear, the ear and people are chanting USA, actually. Okay, and second video is going to be a witness described in the moment shooting can you describe for me, joseph, what happened after you saw the shots?

Speaker 6:

and I remember I mean, I was there as well secret service was screaming for everyone to get down. They quickly tried to clear the area. I'm just curious what that process was like for you in the in the aftermath.

Speaker 7:

Very confusing. Like I said, I think everyone was in the bleachers. It was initially confusing. When the gunshots erupted, half I think the crowd thought it was fireworks. I think someone thought they were playing a joke and you know the people were close to the people that got injured and killed. You obviously knew it wasn't a joke and and it seemed like there was a push-pull in the crowd and that is one half of the crowd on the far end of the rally thought it was some type of weird joke. The other half of the crowd knew it wasn't and was trying to push or impress upon the rest of the crowd that this is serious. And I think everyone got the idea very quickly that it was a dangerous situation and everyone just started hitting the deck. And a dangerous situation. And everyone just started hitting the deck and you know, kudos to the secret service. You know again. You know when you're in these situations.

Speaker 7:

The second feels like it's an hour, but it seemed like authorities were there very quickly. Um, it just seemed to me, like I said, I was sitting there. It seemed like the rounds came from behind and they, they got this. They hit the gentleman in the head. You know he got a gunshot went to the head and the other way he was injured and and then I saw President Trump get hit and it looked like it was right here. But it seemed initially everyone was in shock. Half the crowd was in shock and the other half thought it was some type of weird joke, and it took a bit for everyone to get a good understanding of what was going on.

Speaker 6:

You mentioned that you had spoken with the person who ended up falling. I believe you said or he was with his whole family.

Speaker 7:

No, his family watched it happen. So they were in the bleachers when he got hit and he went down. I think they were trying to figure out what was going on. They were screaming for help. The body was. They put a towel over the man's head, the body was removed from the bleachers. Then the police came back, you know, right after and tried to move the family, but they were all in shock. They didn't quite. They weren't processing what was going on. The man was definitely. He was dead the minute he was hit. I mean it was something that reminded me of the Zapruder film from Kennedy. I mean it was his head snapped and that was it. And I just I caught it out of the corner of my eye and you know. And then there was just pandemonium. And again, you know it's Pennsylvania, you don't? You know, you're out in the rural Pennsylvania.

Speaker 6:

You don't really anticipate this is going to happen, but it happened. You mentioned and I'm sorry, I know this is very emotional for you as well. You mentioned that you know this was your first Trump rally. How are you feeling about the election now? What are you hoping to see moving forward? We've already seen a lot of statements of support from across the aisle come in for the former president. I can tell you, too, from our sources that they say that Donald Trump is okay, that he is at a local facility being treated, but I would love just your view on. I know you came here today to support the man that you know, the former president. I'm curious how you think about this now. I know it's a hard question, given the chaos that we're currently in and the adrenaline that we're both feeling right now, but you can share any of that.

Speaker 7:

Solidify my support. You know I understand. You know people under people believe that trump's well, they know he's bombastic. They don't really like him. He's a very polarizing figure, he has an abrasive personality, but I truly believe he has the best interest of the country at heart and you know you make a point. You know the man's a billionaire. He could be sitting in the like you said the truck you were sitting in rally. Man's a billionaire. He could be sitting in the like you said you were sitting in a rally, joking about it. He's like I could be sitting in the Mediterranean yacht enjoying my life. But I'm not. I'm trying to help run the country it puts in perspective. There's a real cost for that. I mean, there's some people that really want him dead.

Shelbe Chang:

And here's Joe Biden giving a press after the shooting.

Speaker 5:

I've been thoroughly briefed by all the agencies in the federal government as to the situation. Based on what we know now, I have tried to get a hold of Donald he's with his doctors. Apparently he's doing well. I plan on talking to him shortly, I hope when I get back to the telephone.

Speaker 5:

Look, there's no place in America For this kind of violence. It's sick. It's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this, we cannot condone this, and so I want to thank the Secret Service and all the agencies, including the state agencies, that have engaged in making sure that people and we have more detail to come relative to other people maybe injured in the audience. I don't have all that detail. We'll make that available to you. I may be able to come back a little later tonight, but we'll put out a statement if we don't, if I'm not able to, if it's not convenient for you all.

Speaker 5:

The bottom line is that the Trump rally was a rally that he should have been able to be conducted peacefully without any problem, but the idea, the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of. It's just not appropriate. Everybody, everybody must condemn it, Everybody. I'll keep you informed and if I am able to speak to Donald, I'll let you know that as well. So far it appears he's doing well. Number one. Number two that they're thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience I have. We have some reports, but not final reports, and every agency, the federal government and I'm going back to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated briefing and they happen. They learn more in the last couple hours. So thank you very much and I hope I get to speak to him tonight and I'll get back to you if I do.

Speaker 8:

Mr President, do you think there was an assassination attempt?

Speaker 5:

I don't know enough. I have an opinion, but I don't have any facts. So I want to make sure we have all the facts before I make any more comments. Thank you, okay.

Shelbe Chang:

Be right back with the reaction to this event, and my friend Thomas will be joining with us. Stay tuned and don't forget to subscribe.

Speaker 6:

This is the Transparency Podcast Show.

Shelbe Chang:

Okay, so this is going live, right now.

Shelbe Chang:

Hi everybody, I have my friend Thomas here. Hi everybody, I have my friend Thomas here. If you follow my channel, you've seen him on my podcast before. So today we are sharing some reaction towards Trump rally shooting. Yesterday we actually connected. We were talking about doing Friday Night Live, we were going to talk about Gavin Newsom, but this just took place today, july 13, 2024. It's very shocking, to be honest with you, even though myself and some other independent podcaster or influencer are saying that the left is trying so many different things to stop him, and you know they are worried. The last attempt will be something like this, and it happens today, and the social media is blow up with videos and you know. And then the photo that he has his ear is bleeding. I believe it's right inside, right, you saw that, thomas.

Speaker 8:

Yes, I saw the. I saw several videos earlier today, Many people talking about it. It's shocking. It's shocking.

Shelbe Chang:

Right To me. I believe this is going to be one of these events that equivalent to 9-11, that we will ask where were you during that 9-11? And everybody remembers what they're doing. So this one is going to be like what were you or what were you doing when the trauma rally shooting happened? One of those events that everybody will remember.

Shelbe Chang:

So a lot of reactions from different people and and myself I feel a lot of people really see through my own personal opinion, see through it and and kind of awake to see what you know, realize what's going on with our politic and democracies and elections and everything. And of course there's another group of people Maybe you saw this they're talking about. It looks like a stage. Have you seen that?

Speaker 8:

Yeah, there are going to be a lot of people saying it was staged or planned. Yeah, I don't really think that it was staged or planned. Yeah, I don't really think that it was staged or planned, but I do see. I see this being a significant event and it's going to definitely become a significant event in his run for presidency again.

Shelbe Chang:


Speaker 8:

One thing Trump's great at is taking advantage of an opportunity. There's one thing Trump's great at is taking advantage of an opportunity.

Shelbe Chang:

Yes, I don't again my personal opinions. I don't believe is staged. However, I feel the debate that we were on you were kind of engaged with me last time when we have that live debate, that live debate, I believe that was more of a stage because, as you can see, you know, I'm sure the politicians, or even doesn't matter left or right, they know Biden's condition already right, and somehow they agreed to put him on the screen, on the public, like that. I really believe that's stage right. They want to show everyone that he's not fit, not capable, so they can replace somebody reasonably. You know, they're not going to say they discriminate elderly people or whatever, you know. So they want to showcase that he's not capable, so they have an excuse or a reason to replace him. And that's why we were trying to talk about Gavin Newsom.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, yeah, the debate was difficult because it was something that Biden couldn't avoid at all. You know and you wanted. If they were going going to, they're going to have to do it regardless. You know that kind of debate is going to come up, it's going to be a forced issue and, in order to gauge the country and see where everybody starts to stand, they got to do it and the best. I think it was better for them to have done it now as compared to being in the middle of the race. We didn't go into a debate.

Speaker 5:

They have time.

Speaker 8:

They have way more time now to prep Biden and get you know. Getting to see how can we get him up to speed or do we need to go another direction as a party? He couldn't avoid it. There was no way he was going to be able to avoid that debate.

Shelbe Chang:

It's hard to watch. I'm personally afraid that whoever other country that wants to take advantage of this time you know what I mean when I say that take advantage of this time it's very vulnerable for us right now, Like you know, if they want to do something to the country, they might want to plan before whoever comes up next. Right, you know what I mean, so that's why it's very crazy right now. So I prepared some video that I want to share with everyone. These are the people who's actually on the rally. On the rally, yeah, at the rally today. So I'm going to share the screen. Okay, so this video I'm sharing. It's going to be talking about some bystander. I already saw the shooter climbing on top of the roof on the other side of the event, the field, and then, I guess, nobody the police or Secret services they're not really responding to that person. So you can see, I'm going to play this video.

Speaker 3:

Yeah we live in an era where it's a doctor who tried saving someone.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah, this video is coming from PVD podcast, so check it out.

Speaker 3:

Life at the rally recalls exactly what happened as soon as the shooting happened. If you'd like to hear it, go for it. What did you see, sir? I heard the shots. I thought it was firecrackers to begin with. Somebody over there was screaming he's been shot, he's been shot. So I made my way over. Uh, I said I'm an emergency department physician, let me help you. The guy had spun around, was jammed between the benches, he had a headshot. Here there's lots of blood and he had brain matter there and so I got him.

Speaker 3:

There's a helicopter coming in to get him, uh. So uh, I got people there. Really helpful I got cpr big chest compressions as well as a brief one that's it.

Speaker 8:

Oh man, so I'm doing, yeah. Well, before we go, I want to say one thing.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah, so that's the people attending, one of the attending to the rally. So what happened? I don't know, if you hear the details, the shooter they suspect there's two, but one of them, like one, is already dead. They shot it. And I heard the shooting was shot some attendees and then to Trump right.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, Well, with that, one of the things we want to remember when we're looking at this and everybody's like, well, why didn't A, B or C happen? We do live in an era where information flies out across the internet faster than you can imagine, but you also got to remember getting that information to the proper first responders is still. It's still. It's still a daunting task, it's still a chore and it has to be planned out, and the response is never going to be as fast as you being there seeing it happen right in front of you.

Speaker 8:

You know, while we remember that, we can move into what happened. That guy's great for jumping in there and in the middle of a situation happening and doing his best to help that guy. It's not something that's easy to do right off the bat for anybody. A lot of people like to think oh, I jump in and help when you're in the middle of a. You know, when you're in the middle of a situation and the running and screaming starts, it becomes a totally separate, a totally separate issue because you're you. This is why people do this train constantly, just to do this, so they can react and respond and provide aid. But as far as the shooting side, I don't remember seeing who shot the shooter. I know the shooter was reported dead, but one of the crowd members, one of the people in the crowd was, I believe, also shot. I believe that was from the shot that missed Trump.

Shelbe Chang:

I believe. Well, this is what I heard. The first two shots that we heard from the video was coming first, two or three is coming from the shooter and then these after, the third one is coming from the secret service. Try to, you know, end the shooter. That's what I heard.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, yeah, Once you know, once the shooter shot everybody, the people who know what they're doing, they pretty much really understand where the shot's coming from and they can respond Right, yeah, so.

Shelbe Chang:

I believe what happened is the shooter, of course, is attended to assassin Trump and somehow some bystanders just probably walked by or, you know, got in the way it was behind him, because the crowd there was a crowd behind him too, yeah, and so it kind of like this is why I heard he shot somebody and then go to Trump.

Shelbe Chang:

That's why the bullets Spee kind of missed it and then Spee slows down, so that's why he has injured just one inch. It's scary If this inch, so it's scary you know, if, if, if this happened, it's gonna be like, you know, jfk incident yeah, but it was totally different.

Speaker 8:

It was totally different from then to now. You know, all the first responders have learned a lot of lessons from that happening with jfk, because they responded very quickly with securing Trump and getting him out of there.

Shelbe Chang:


Speaker 8:

They didn't drag feet, they didn't run around like they were confused on which way to go. They secured Trump, made sure he was alright, got him up, got him out of there.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah, okay, I'm going gonna share more video and look what happened to our country probably 20 million people and you know that's a little bit old, that chart.

Speaker 2:

That chart's a couple of months old and if you want to really see something, take a look at what happened. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell was that? No, no, no.

Speaker 3:

No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no.

Shelbe Chang:

So I still hear people are very you know, after this happened. I still hear people are talking about oh, you see, they have mostly white people at the rally. I mean, oh my God.

Speaker 8:

Why do you have to talk?

Shelbe Chang:

about this. Yeah, I mean, this is what happened, that we get ourselves to this point. You know what I?

Speaker 8:

mean yeah, I don't really listen to when they say who's at the rally, like that, unless they're an agitator, because I see people talk about oh, there's more white people there, so there's no Black people. You've got to remember we're talking about you're still talking about people that are between a group that's between 11 and 26% of the population.

Speaker 4:

You know, people are like oh yeah you should see.

Speaker 8:

No, no, no, no. You've got to really think of how small that is of a number. You know there's many places in this country where people grow up they still don't see. You know they don't see any Black people unless it's on TV or well, nowadays the internet you know, yeah, and to me I just respond this is all just labels.

Shelbe Chang:

And you know, if we remove just labels, and you know, if we remove all the labels, you know, black, white, yellow, brown, we are just all people, we're just human beings.

Speaker 8:

It would move away, probably about five or six generations. We would probably you would probably stop seeing it if the government stopped putting it everywhere, like every time you turn around they're asking for some kind, especially when it comes to a job or any application you put in for it will go away if you stop doing that, because those you know the reason they, they collect the data. You don't do anything with it except to say, oh well, we know, they're 12% of the population.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah, like what we were saying, we're going to talk about Gavin Newsom and he mentioned about races like oh, the brown and black community are hard to get a checking account. Remember that. And then you were right. You're talking about data, but he doesn't even have the data to back up his claim and you just make we have data, but it's you got to remember.

Speaker 8:

we're also talking about people that pick and choose specific data points and to promote their message. Gavin was talking about how half of every family doesn't have a bank account.

Shelbe Chang:

I know right Come on.

Speaker 8:

I find it hard to believe because it's extremely easy to get a bank account. You don't even need a driver's license to get a bank account. You don't even need a driver's license to get a bank account.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah. So what he's talking about? Well, this part I'm not 100% sure, but maybe he tried to indicate it like people who is not undocumented. I don't know if they can get bank account here, can they? I don't know.

Speaker 8:

Anybody with a cell phone can get 10 bank accounts. Yeah, and the only thing that will take time is them thumbs scrolling through the screen on their cell phone. Getting a bank account is not hard. You can get a bank account. As long as you write down the note, take the numbers. You can have money going in there right away.

Shelbe Chang:

Yes, I will have to show it, you know afterward. But it's showing. It's just showing people who shot the live video at the rally and you know it's just more like a live, it's not a news footage. It's not news footage. It's civilians attending some footage.

Speaker 4:

I'm in Butler, pennsylvania, went to a Trump rally and all of a sudden, a shot went off. Trump was speaking, he went silent, dead silent, and then eight or nine more shots went off. Everybody started panicking. Everybody's leaving. It's only 15 minutes in. There was lots of gunshots, chaos, craziness. We got to find out what's going on here, july 13th 2024.

Speaker 2:

What the obvious facts are is that you run for the president of the United States from the basement All very dishonest stuff, you know.

Shelbe Chang:

Okay, well, thank you for joining me today.

Speaker 8:

Well, we will. Yeah, I started and I won't stop.

Shelbe Chang:

This is unofficial live streaming, but we will have an official Friday night live streaming coming soon, probably sometime in August, so please make sure.

Speaker 8:

You don't want to try next week or something, or are you busy?

Shelbe Chang:

Please make sure you subscribe, like and share. Next week I'm going to be in the business summit for two days, yeah yeah, all right.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, I look forward to doing it again.

Shelbe Chang:

Yeah, we will have different topics, but most likely our live will be more current events yeah yeah so, and then we can talk about a lot of different things business, or any benefit, meditations, you know so a lot of okay, thank you. Yeah, we will come up with something to talk about. Thank you so much. Yeah, have a good night good night.

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