The Trans•Parency Podcast Show

Secret Service agents, Newsom's school gender identity law, Biden Dropped out & Kamala

Shelbe Chang, Thomas Barnes

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What happens when politics infiltrates our personal lives? 

In this live episode, Shelbe Chang recounts the emotional rollercoaster that ensued after her political views led to a surprising fallout with a longtime friend. 

Thomas Barnes joins us with the latest updates on the recent Trump shooting, shedding light on the rapid pace of current events and the uphill battle journalists face to keep the public informed.

Security at public events takes center stage as we dissect the appearance of an alleged FBI Assistant Director at a Trump rally and the rigorous protocols for Secret Service agents. 

Finally, we tackle various pressing issues, from the controversial political use of the trans community to California's economic struggles. Our discussion spans California's new legislation affecting the trans community, the state's homelessness crisis, and the financial strains on small businesses. 

We also explore the broader implications of America's economic practices and the potential impact of AI on the workforce. Join us for a comprehensive look at the intricate web of political, economic, and social issues shaping our world today.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Weekly Live. This is still an official live show and today's day is July 23rd, 2024. And this is the second live that we have since the emergency live, which is the Donald Trump shooting. And since then it has been a week and a half and a lot of things has happened and let's just do some housekeeping. So if you haven't seen the last live, I'm going to put a link in the show notes so you guys can check it out and watch it. And today's live we're going to continue what's going on, what we talked about last time with Thomas, and Thomas is going to join us shortly after this personal story that I want to share with you all. And so stay tuned. And if you haven't subscribed to the channel, please subscribe, like share, and remember to hit that notification button, because you will not want to miss any of the live shows or our podcasts, or the podcast show as well. So here's the personal story. I will never imagine that this happened to myself.

Speaker 1:

I was pretty much expressing a lot these days with the political view, my point of view, my opinions, my reactions, my feedback, whatever you want to call it. After I post the shooting image, the epic photo that I took by the Washington I believe it's the Washington Daily News photographer and one of my friends. She is a longtime friend, she I know her probably 12, 13 years and we kind of close, but not too close. But however she commented, she does not like Trump. Okay, she think Trump is very this disrespect woman and I understand everybody has different point of view and everybody has their perspective. So I just replied Trump 2024 and that just triggered her. I really don't. I didn't really expect that, to be honest with you, because she's a very good friend of mine and then she's very, you know, I know she has her beliefs and I know she has her. You know thinking, philosophy and all that. I respect that as well. You know no hard feelings or anything towards me from me.

Speaker 1:

However, she really got upset that I support Trump and she started you know, as many other people who experiences, I feel that she started personally attacking me. She will call, she will say wake the fuck up. She will say why you want to support somebody like this. You know she wish me good luck and she said I need a lot of luck. So I don't know what. You know, I was shocked because I can never imagine this will happen to me and and I will never imagine this is coming from this friend, because we know each other for a long time. Of course we have difference. We always just talk it out or express ourselves, our feelings, and she's also into spiritual, so actually a lot of those learnings guiding these days with her. So I thought you know she won't be so extreme put it that way but I do understand, yeah, because one of her actually maybe one of her most best friends he is a hardcore left supporter. He hates Trump so much, so maybe that's an influence.

Speaker 1:

But anyhow, it's still back to what I always share on this channel Everyone has different perspectives and everyone's perspective is based on our past experience, our past trauma, our past skill set, our past relationship. So I can understand certain people's reaction and I can see where that came from. You know, I don't know her whole story, whole background from the past, but I do know that she's a very feminist person. She supports women, she wanted women to be somewhere, she want to write, race, raise up womanhood and I totally get it. I understand. But again, that's coming from her past experience, possibly her trauma as well, and I can feel her okay, but that doesn't mean if I support Trump or Trump, this individual person needs to experience near-death experience, like the shooting we have, or experience violence. You know, nobody deserves this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and especially, this might be just your own point of view, own perspective, own reality, like I mentioned, if we're going to talk about spiritual right. So it's a loss. Yes, I'm a little disappointed, but I'm not angry, I'm not sad, because I don't want this to affect me. I don't want to react to the 3D reality because I do understand where she's coming from and I do understand we are living in a parallel universe. Our mind, our brain is our own universe. Each individual person is working on this 3D platform we call Earth Life. It's our parallel universe. Okay, all right, enough that. This is another topic that I can share, maybe later on the podcast or maybe some other week of live videos. So stay tuned. I'm going to have my friend Thomas come back to tell us what's going on since Donald Trump's shooting in Pennsylvania. So stay tuned, don't go anywhere and remember to subscribe, like and hit that notification button.

Speaker 2:

This is the Transparen the transparency podcast show welcome back to our weekly live.

Speaker 1:

And it's still unofficial. So I have my friend thomas here again and we are continuing our conversation from the last live. If you haven't seen it, I'll put a link in the show notes and before we start anything, please subscribe, like and hit that notification button so you won't miss anything. Especially these days, information is so fast. The last live was right on the Donald Trump shooting in Pennsylvania and it's a week and a half just gone by. But since week and a half gone by, so much things already happened. Seems like we already gone by for months and we are in the age that information moves so fast.

Speaker 1:

I feel, you know, like sometimes I prepare some video to post and the information moves so fast. If I don't post now, then tomorrow is not relevant anymore. You know so and then I feel bad for the journalism to journalist people, reporters they have to keep updating themselves up to up to speed. You know what I mean. So right now we're just going to move our own pace timeline from where we left off to up to today, july 24. 24, right, 23rd, sorry, july 23rd, july 23rd, 2024. Okay, so last time when we talked about the shooting, we mentioned about Secret Services, right, and you mentioned about they should have you know, supposedly to have experience from other precedents shooting. The last one was about what? 40 years ago, 30 years ago, with Ronald Reagan. And so now, yeah, it's ago with Ronald Reagan.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, so now I was 30.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then because again, this is you know, everyone has cell phones. These information are so fast Social media. Someone captured a lot of different videos. If you haven't seen, there's lady sitting behind donald trump with the sunglasses and she's acting weird. Somebody caught that and turned out she's the I believe it's fbi assistant director of the fbi director sitting there and just like this that's beyond odd because I even had to deal with this when I was in the military to a certain extent.

Speaker 2:

But you know I was not going to lie. I was a junior, junior, non-comm. I wasn't involved in a lot of things or where situations where you know I had to really be cognizant, except for when I traveled personally internationally yes, because of my security clearance. Now, when I got out of the military and I transitioned to become a government contractor, it did become. It became more of an issue for me to deal with and be cognizant of because I had a higher security clearance at that time. At that time and what I'm talking about is, once you get to certain levels and access points within the government and involve security clearance or just your job, a lot of conflict of interest issues come to point and up to a certain point, at a certain point, you can't even really like. Technically she could go watch him give a speech as a civilian but on the same hand, technically she can't because she can't just stand in the crowd. She's assistant director of FBI. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she's not playing the role like undercover?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it doesn't seem like. Yeah, the assistant director of FBI. She the role like undercover? Yeah, no, it doesn't seem like it. Yeah, the assistant director. In fact, she doesn't do undercover. Yeah, I know. Yeah, that's a public facing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it doesn't seem that way either. You know, if anything she should be, you know helping.

Speaker 2:

And the last thing she should have been doing was sitting in the stands behind the political incumbent, because that location is an association of political support and she's not allowed to do that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

As assistant director of the FBI, she's not allowed to do that.

Speaker 1:

And somehow she's looking into his mind.

Speaker 2:

You know somebody's going to come up and give an argument like oh well, she can't. No, trust me. One thing the government does not play with is that for regular employees. Assistant Director of FBI. She's still a regular employee.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah. So there's a lot of words out there saying that she might be giving a sign or a goal, a green light for the shooter.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I saw those comments and I'm like I'm not even going to entertain that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I didn't hear anything, any follow up on this person. Did you see anything? Because I know there's a lot of things.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't seen anything as of yet, but I put like this In today's age, since we can all see events happen in real time or near real time, what a lot of people don't understand because we're used to events flowing like they do in stories, magazines, novels, documentaries, which are scripted most of the time, and, most importantly, the movies and television, and people forget that in those instances the story has to follow a chain to keep the people hooked and understand what's going on. There's nobody that's going to watch a movie. They don't know what the hell's going on. You're going to be sitting there like. I spent how much money on this. We're like 10 minutes into the movie. I don't know what's going on. I don't know what happened, why, when, where. That's how my life is.

Speaker 1:

Right now it's like how do you call this? Bombarded with one scene, a second scene, third, fourth, just three, and see which one you can catch and distract you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and unfortunately doing that, since we aren't the principal investigators. The only thing that does is confuse the issue even more for us. We're not privy to the timeline of information as they discover what, when, why, where, who, how of everything, because the investigators are going to search and search and search until they build that timeline that looks like a movie. So we know what happened here. What happened, yeah. When did that happen? Where did they go? Where did they go next? You know, yes, and that's what people used to seeing in the movie, you know, but in real life, when it happens, you could be standing.

Speaker 2:

You could have been standing right there front row, and I guarantee you, today you would be. Even you could have been standing right there front row and I guarantee you, today you would be even more confused than you were. Yes, and in there, I heard the shot yeah, I want to.

Speaker 1:

I want to jump in on right here. You're perfectly right there. So another um frame catcher, frame capture another secret service agent who was confused Right, remember that one and she was not don't know what's going on and I think the mic from the podium picked up, said what should we do? What should we do? What should we do? And a video captured her having problem. Put her I believe it's a gun back to her holster. You see that it seems like the I believe it's a gun back to her holster.

Speaker 1:

You see that it seems like the. I mean I'm not trying to be a discrimination towards a female or a male, but the fact that a female agent has been in trouble with the holster, that's kind of unbelievable because you know a holster. That's kind of unbelievable because you know they are protecting the most important person. Usually a president or, in this case, a former president.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, very true, but at the same time, let's put a little more human spin on this for what we need to understand about these people that do these jobs. They train every day, if not every week, definitely, at least every week constantly to be able to respond just for that one moment, like we saw what happened with former President Trump. They train constantly to respond to that and you can say you're going to be this, you're going to be that, but I can introduce you to thousands and thousands of Marines and army, soldiers and Navy personnel, air Force personnel, coast Guard personnel. That'll tell you the same thing. You can train all you want. It is the training is just so that you can still move and function. When we used to call it when I was in, we used to call when the running and screaming starts.

Speaker 2:

You train so that you can still move and function when the running and screaming starts, because it's going to be just a huge question mark. Everywhere you look what, what, what, because you don't know what's going on, you don't know where it's coming from and you're just trying to get as much information in as possible quickly as possible to make a decision. So it's easy for me. For me it's easy to see that because I've been through some training with the navy. I'm not an operator, but I've been through some security training with the navy, where we had to Navy, where they taught us how to understand some of these issues and some of these things, and you learn that some of those situations you're going to be in are really, really messed up.

Speaker 2:

And you're there to do the best you can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Do you think? I mean I know you're training, probably not recently, right? I mean I'm trying to say is, I think, not just the people in the service or military? I think overall?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, overall.

Speaker 1:

In America people got suffer, you know? Do you know what I mean when I say that God suffer? You know what I mean when I say that, Because there's a saying bad times create stronger men or women Hard times create hard people.

Speaker 2:

People create soft times.

Speaker 1:

Actually, good time creates weak people, so I think there's a-.

Speaker 2:

And then weak people turn it right back around and create hard times.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's a cycle. So I think we're in the cycle of people are getting too relaxed. You know, doesn't matter who agents service fbi or just regular citizens. Yeah, we are just getting too comfortable.

Speaker 2:

That's why and that's one of the things that they always have to groups like that, the police departments, uh, any kind of law enforcement, any kind of military, any kind of special service. That's one of the reasons, one of the main reasons in the US we have such doctors where they're supposed to constantly train, because training changes with the times and the most important threats here that you're going to be facing. We try not to forget the old threats that we believe can still come back. It's difficult to balance, but you're right. At the same time, you know those guys are those Secret Service. They have it really difficult because you're protecting a public persona that represents the whole country. So this is a person that has to be seen as much as possible. You can't just camp out at the White House for four years. You know what I'm saying. Can't camp out at the White House, not go nowhere, not do any interviews except for a closed room.

Speaker 1:

Are you talking about somebody else?

Speaker 2:

Are you talking?

Speaker 1:

about the else. Are you talking about the one in the bunker?

Speaker 2:

Some have tried. Some have tried and it doesn't work because the people want to see their leader. They have to deal with supporting the leader out in public. Just go outside down the block at your house and try and figure out. Just stand on a corner and look around in a 360-degree area and try to figure out what would be the top 10 danger points we'd have to worry about from a shooter. How would we have to control traffic and set stand. It's a. It's a big big deal and there's a lot more involved in it than people think until they get involved with it yeah, I think uh just close out this topic so we can move forward last thing I want to.

Speaker 1:

I want to mention is you know again, you know good, good. Uh, I want to mention is you know again, you know good, good. I want to say is a good time creates weak people, which is also creates weak companies, weak business, weak organization. So the last thing I heard today is these secret service director is resign. That's the and that's the result of, because you know everything goes down at that rally and it's yeah yeah, we're not just there, but it's been several they've had.

Speaker 2:

There's reports that there have been several instances over the last 12 months involved, you know, with surrounding secret service. So it wasn't just this issue, it's a series of things that politically are just. You know, you can mess up at your job a little bit, get, you know, a verbal warning, but you can mess up at your job a little bit at the most inopportune time and get outright fired on the spot.

Speaker 1:

You know okay, so let's move along to the timeline. Um. So next one coming up, I believe, is the california has a law that allows teacher and school government to be involved with gender identity transition and that the parents are going to be the ones who are going to be blindsided or the last to know. I think that to me, I really think that's wrong. So far, there are many different levels, really think that's wrong. There are many different levels and personally, first of all, I feel, transitioning, gender transitioning or even coming out of sexuality orientation this is all personal. The government, the teacher, the school, should not get involved. If anything, the government should be last, all right. So I think this is a distraction. Okay, this is a distraction coming from Gavin Newsom, and I believe he wants attention and they already know what kind of card you're playing. This is right before Biden resigned, right? So this is like I mean, I'm knocking on the door. Make sure you guys know what. You don't hear me, you know. I mean. So I I feel it's a distraction and I feel that it's um.

Speaker 1:

Lgbtq community was got used as a political weapon for this one and that triggered a lot of reactions, including Elon Musk, because Elon Musk's now daughter is a trans person and he said his son is dead to me. That's why he said today, actually on Twitter X, and actually that's somehow true. True because for any transgender person, they know if they really fully transition, whoever they are previously, it's pretty much you know done, you know done. I won't say dead, I'll say done, you know, move on, right, move forward. So, anyways, I want to hear your, your, your thoughts on this. Uh, government control, government overreach, I call it my thoughts on the government overreach.

Speaker 2:

My thoughts on the this thing with gavin newsom is Let me focus on this right quick. My thoughts on this is this is A giant step totally in the wrong direction. I get that the DNC loves to see themselves, especially nowadays. They love to see themselves as the ally to the little guy. Yeah, but when it comes down to brass tacks and doing something, they do too much. There's a saying you're do too much. You know there's a saying you're doing too much. They're doing way too much. And what a lot of people don't understand is they did not this.

Speaker 2:

What California's done has not taken a single positive step forward to help the LGBTQ community at all. In fact, if anything, it's muddied the waters more and it's made it's going to generate so many more problems like a wildfire over the next five. Now you've taken, you've made parents the villain. You've made the parents the villain. They can't say nothing to their children about gender. So if your kid goes to school, we already know children are easily influenced by everything you see on TV, the internet, at school, with their friends, in magazines, on the radio, in songs, in movies. You know it's already started. I mean it started back when California started having psychologists, you know, promote this with patients who were confused and instead of following the prescribed model to determine, to help this person determine if they are gender dysphoric or not, we've just jumped in the boat. Oh, there's a bigger boat over there and it says just believe everybody, yeah, tell them. Or, you know, just just pat them on back and tell them it's all good, you know.

Speaker 2:

And now you got parents going out of their way to convince their children that they're gender dysphoric. I mean, how many documentaries does PBS have to do for you to see people in their 20s and 30s just crying because they went down this path, believing they were gendered as four, come to find out later? Because, you know, this is all mental and emotional. It takes time to work through these things, to figure out the truth, especially when you don't know and don't have experience to judge things against. It takes time to fake. It takes time to get there. You get further down the line. Now, all of a sudden, the young lady Janet is like shit, I really was James. Wow. And James is like well, shit, I really was Janet.

Speaker 1:

Or should I say? Should I say well, maybe Michelle is Michael, michael is Michelle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, somebody else said something he said to me a couple days ago and I was like I don't get it because it sounded like they were trying to tell me a joke. But either way it goes is this, even with the? I'm not a doctor. Let me preface that first. I'm not a doctor. I don't study psychology. I have a few friends that are gay and I've met and talked with so many lesbians and we had a few that were friends that were lesbian and trans and I don't really know about the. I don't really know about the other references because I don't really ask you the other references, because I don't really ask.

Speaker 2:

Because at the same time, I'm like yeah, you cool with me, I'm cool with you, I don't care, you know you're not paying my bill, so really you know, I don't really care.

Speaker 2:

But I've met people that and I've met people that not met people. I've talked to other people that talk about so-and-so who thought he was gay, but he's really not. Or they thought they were a lesbian, but they really weren't. Or they thought they were straight but they weren't and they weren't sure. I mean, this is not a cut-and-dry black-and-white issue. It is not a cut and dry black and white issue. It's not a switch, you know, if anything, it's more one of those real stats where you got to turn in the knob or something. But it's not a cut and dry issue and it affects people in so many different ways and this law is going to in my opinion, this law is going to, really, really, really damage a lot of families. I want to say unintentionally, but part of me, to be honest, a part of me actually believes that they knew exactly what they were doing when they pushed this law through. They knew exactly what it was going to do to the population.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and to me, just to close out, this topic is California has a lot more issues than this, to be honest with you, I mean, this is not even an issue to begin with.

Speaker 2:

I know, yeah, you ain't never like this is such a non-issue. I'm like why are we focused on this? This is such a non-issue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and we have like what Homeless issue that's the major one Economy. The homeless issue is so bad one, the homeless issue is so bad.

Speaker 2:

It's very difficult now to go anywhere in California and not see a tent popped up on a corner.

Speaker 1:

I see a lot I see it here in Pasadena. Yeah, everywhere In the morning. I wake up early in the morning. I see people on the sidewalk. They wake up too. They're like, ah, they clean themselves up and dress. Oh my God, the city still pushes those people around.

Speaker 2:

Eventually, somebody from the city comes by and pushes them out of there. They got to go somewhere else Because? No, we got to do maintenance.

Speaker 1:

We got to clean.

Speaker 2:

We got to do this, we got to do that. The only difference is now business owners can't be like hey, get the fuck out from in front of my face.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a lot of business already closed and we have very high crime. That's the issue. This is the issue, not gender identity. You know, it was never an issue the whole crime issue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that really pisses me off, with all the people that got behind that. That really pisses me off. They made some decisions that I was like Whoa. There's a million ways you could have addressed that. That would have cost less.

Speaker 1:

And on top of that, if you talk about costing less, our California gas price Is the highest in the nation. Cost less. And on top of that, if you talk about costing less, our California gas price is the highest in the nation. How about that, see? And then they want to raise, and then they raise.

Speaker 1:

And then they raise the people who. I mean I'm not putting anybody down, okay, but they raise the minimum wage for the fast food. At the same time, they raised everybody's hamburger price. That's just reality and you know. This is an issue.

Speaker 2:

Here's the trade-off with that. The only fast food joints they hurt were the small chains and the mom and pop ones. Those are the ones that really hurt because they live month to month. Yes, the big chains, which is ones they were trying to affect, like McDonald's and Burger King, they ain't hurting them because the vast majority of them are franchises. At the end of the day, that franchise is still going to send all the money it's supposed to back to headquarters send all the money it's supposed to back to headquarters. All they did was make it less money that the franchisee owner gets to take home in their pocket.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, actually I believe. In the entire America small business owners' percentage is higher than the corporation or franchising. Yeah, and.

Speaker 2:

That's why they did that.

Speaker 1:

They want to kill the Small business owners.

Speaker 2:

They put the bill. They put the bill for paying that stuff out On the small business owners Because they're going to figure out the small business owners Will figure out how to navigate that, how to bring stuff up to speed in the big franchise. All they got to do is follow the train. All the successful small businesses that make it work. The big companies, okay, now, how are they making that work? All right, 10 years, we'll follow that train. Be business as usual. You better worry about it.

Speaker 1:

See, I just don't get, I just don't understand what's wrong with Gavin News. I think he has some control issue, because remember, back in, just not too long ago, right before COVID, he put out a mandate for we cannot use plastic straw anymore. Remember that we're using paper straw.

Speaker 2:

And then the funny thing is yeah, but you gotta remember Gavin Newsom is pandering, Listen to me first.

Speaker 1:

But if you go to Starbucks or Boba Place, the cup they use, which is gigantic, is plastic, you see. So I don't know what's. That's why I said he has some sort of. He has some sort of I don't know what's wrong with his mind. To be honest with you, he has no sense of what's important and what's not.

Speaker 2:

In my opinion, he's trying to push. In my opinion, what he's trying to do is and his followers aren't trying to do this but he's trying to do it because he knows that if he pushes it, california is you can't deny it for the next 20 years, california is still going to be in the top five GDP of countries.

Speaker 1:

I know I think it's falling, to be honest with you, no we're falling a little bit, but we're still.

Speaker 2:

It's still so many people and so many businesses.

Speaker 1:

But if you look at, let's say, five years from now, I really think it's. Maybe it doesn't take five years. I'll give it two years at the most if they didn't fix it. Because, everybody is leaving.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people are leaving, but it's like with everything when you say everybody's leaving. The ones who really leave in the first 10 years are the ones who could afford to leave to begin with, all the ones who couldn't afford to leave they got to hang around and figure out how to make this work. There's a lot of those people, and this is how you get innovation. You put the people in a position where they have to come up with a better plan. You have to have a reason to have a better plan.

Speaker 1:

that's more than just what you want, true, but this is how do I put it this way Warm, yeah, I think a lot of people are just it's not about, you know, like try to resolve it just sickening. You know what I mean? Like it's kind of like one after another one. Now they, you know, they even landlords, whoever rent out the house, they put a cap on it. You know, I understand. You know renter needs some brief room as well, but I really feel this is again down to government overreach. This is, let's say, your landlord, I'm a renter. It's a negotiation between you and I. What I have to do with the government, you know what I mean. That's why I yeah.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of people say, oh, they did it to protect the people. No, they did that to protect you, the landlord, because if I put a cap on it now, you're not getting greedy and just running away with the market. Because now you're going to always be able to find somebody who can afford at least that much.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't put a cap on it and you follow the market. What's going to happen when the market collapses?

Speaker 1:

on you. Here's the thing let's say. I mean, you know, just give an example, a lot of places, I believe, is three to five percent cap rental control, but our inflation is. You know, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. So what I'm trying to say is landlord has expense just like every other business.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, no, no, you're absolutely correct, the landlord does have expenses, like everybody.

Speaker 1:

So the expense will have to. Just like the hamburger fast food chain, the expense has to go down to the consumer. Yes, that's the.

Speaker 2:

But it's a give and take. You can pass it down to the consumer, to the consumer no longer is interested in consuming and at that point you got to yeah, you're going to either have to bail or you're going to roll it back.

Speaker 1:

They will have a choice to leave.

Speaker 2:

And hopefully you can survive until things balance, the markets balance out again. And that's one of the main reasons why I'm trying to get stuff going right now, because I literally see so much opportunity over the next 10 years like it is gonna be ridiculous, in my personal opinion okay, cool, so next we're gonna where's where's.

Speaker 1:

You have a timeline? Where should we go now?

Speaker 2:

Go ahead. We took a good tangent. I like that tangent. That was really good. It means we're not just solely focused on one thing. Do we come up to? Well?

Speaker 1:

I think the timeline we can go ahead and start talking about Biden's stepping up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's where we are right now as far as the major things people are interested in discussing, unless you want to talk about, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can kind of go share this part and then Kamala Harris and yeah, and then we can close out, we can wrap out, and then the next week we'll see what's going on. Yeah, so who do I play first? So Biden, biden, I don't know. I see this coming. Actually, I saw this coming two, three years ago when he first got elected. I was commenting on one of my friend's post. I said you wait and see. When they finish using him, they'll kick him out to the curb.

Speaker 1:

And that's what they're doing. That's what they did just now.

Speaker 2:

He was Biden got lucky man. He was a real safe bet supporting Obama. He was a controllable bet supporting Obama. So you controllable bit supporting Obama? So you know he's not JD Vance, let's put it like that.

Speaker 2:

When he was VP for Obama and he showed himself nationally to be really level headed and not a fire spark, not prone to just blowing up or doing something crazy, and then that led to a lot of people being comfortable with him. When he ran for the presidency and he banked off of it. Kudos to you, my man. You made it at the last bit of the race. Kudos to you. He entered the club. He entered the presidency club. He's not going to take that from him now. That's why I don't take it from donald trump either. He won the votes of millions of people. You know how hard that is. I got a freaking YouTube channel that I'm happy if I get 10 views on a video. You know what I'm saying. He got millions of people to get up off their butt, go to another location out of their house, write something down in his favor.

Speaker 1:

So you don't think it has. I mean, I don't Back in 2020, there's a lot of talk about the vote counts. It's not accurate. Anyways, you know, I, I, I that my opinion. Okay, my opinion is, uh, I, somehow there's something happened.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I, that's my personal belief oh yeah, yeah, and and covid did play a lot into that mix, oh, yeah, I'm not going to say there wasn't no palm foolery going on, but you know, there is a saying that if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying to win, and you only cheating when you get caught.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so well this time around. So he dropped out, and then now we have this come up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the only thing I didn't like was they brought in a lot of foreign influence at that time and that that's going to be a contentious thing that's gonna like. I know one of a lot of people in our government are all about this global economy thing, but I'm telling you that that uh foreign influence and and uh monetary support is going to wind up, turn around is, no matter who it is be involved, it is going to wind up, turn around, no matter who it is being involved. It's going to turn around and become a really contentious power keg. I don't see it happening in this election, but it'll probably happen in the next. What 2028, 2032? One of those elections? It's going to be a real power keg. It's going to be a real powder keg. It's going to be like no, we're not playing with that anymore, because what if we don't have any more elections?

Speaker 2:

it's it all involves.

Speaker 1:

I mean I mean I, I, I mean I'm not trying to scare anyone or put any fear on anybody, but I do kind of I don't know. It's a turning point right now I'm not sure where this is going to go, and I do for sure a lot of things are going to change, good or bad. We don't know. We have to see.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the next 20 years is going to be really exciting and remember really exciting.

Speaker 1:

and then I I said this. I mean I'm not sure if I said this on the live, but I did say one time somewhere, some podcast episode, I believe you know the we are in the vulnerable period for the United States and now Biden dropped off, it's even more vulnerable for outsiders. That's what I'm trying to say. So that's why I say this is a turning point, that was the creation of the super PACs.

Speaker 1:

And right now I feel the gap is bigger in a sense. And until we have a grip, a firm of what's going to happen, the gap will get bigger and bigger, and if someone or some country wants to do something, it's really scary right now.

Speaker 2:

Militarily-wise technology has come to a point where it's allowing the little guy to home-grow capabilities that before were just regulated for the big superpowers. You know you're not a superpower threat but you're definitely be. You're definitely on the. You're definitely at the point where you can become a real threat nowadays because technology's come so far where the knowledge and the equipment has trickled down to a point where it's like ooh and since. And you know everybody likes to talk about how much money America makes and spends, and you know, but they forget exactly how much money. There's a lot of other countries out there that are not brokies, you know you may call them a third world country or a second world country, but you know that country still generates a lot of money in that country. That's not leaving that country like it does here.

Speaker 1:

You know, Well, over here is how do I put?

Speaker 1:

it over here the, uh, the, the, the, the economy, I believe. Since 20, 20, 08, we've been printing a lot to save the bing, save the giants. So we're printing the money to sustain this level. You know what I mean and what you said is very true. Outer country might not be printing as much, but the more we print, the more trouble we get and the more dollars devaluate and the more debt we're going to have and and that's just going to Weigh us down more and more and more. You know so.

Speaker 2:

You're not lying. When you look at Brinks, that's exactly the Us doing. That Is the whole reason Brinks has come into existence. You know we've. We took the dollar off the gold standard. Everybody was like have they lost their minds? But we managed to make it work because we honored commitments. It was supposed to be temporary, you know what I mean? Yeah, but we honored commitments we made with the dollar so we managed to make it work. People still believe, the world still believed in us.

Speaker 1:

Well it's.

Speaker 2:

And then we told them we wouldn't give them their gold back either.

Speaker 1:

But now we have BRIC currency, b-r-i-c Brazil, russia, india and China, and now adding South.

Speaker 2:

Africa, south Africa, west Africa is lining up to get in on that.

Speaker 1:

Argentina is going to line up in on that, and then, I believe, one of the few Middle Eastern countries too.

Speaker 2:

I want to say UAE yeah, he's going to line up on that because it allows, as long as they have it backed by something tangible and not a promise.

Speaker 1:

I think they're planning to. I mean not planning. They already say they're going to back by goal.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, they're going to. It's going to force the US, it's going to force all our policymakers to. It's going to force them to push regulation back on the monetary system all businesses. It's not going to force them to push regulation back on the monetary system all businesses. It's not going to be right away, but over time, it's just. It's just going to force it. They're not going to have any choice because the place is going to go sky high, you know, um, and it's. It's sad because it's going to be done at the expense of the average American, because nothing lasts forever.

Speaker 1:

I think the most effective citizen is the boomers, because they are retiring and you know there's savings or retirement or pensions.

Speaker 2:

All of their money is tied up in the system or social security social security 401ks. Roth IRAs, traditional Roth all their money is tied up in the system? I don't really think All their money is tied up in this system.

Speaker 1:

I don't really think by the time you and I retire, there's still Social security anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but I mean we're getting close? Well, actually no, because they just pushed it back another 20 years. Oh god really yes, it's been pushed to 72,.

Speaker 1:

I believe 72.

Speaker 2:

When I was 20 years old.

Speaker 1:

That's 55. 55., yeah, and then 60. And then 65. And then 60, 65, 69. Another 17, 18 years, I don't know. All I know is last was 65.

Speaker 2:

Well, 65, 75, take three, 17. It's been pushed back. Retirement has been pushed back in 30 years. The government has pushed retirement back 17 years for the official time you can retire, that you can take your money and utilize it, meaning they just locked your money up for another 18 years and you can't do nothing.

Speaker 1:

So I yeah, I went to a business summit this past weekend, so I want to share this message with everybody. Yeah, um, you know which is which is true? Um, our retirement, we should, we should, we should somehow find a way to work on it for ourselves and uh, put, like you said, put money in the system or, depending on the Social Security or the government, to hand out your retirement, because that might not happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the odds of that happening nowadays is very slim, because it's like with the post office. You know why the post office started going broke.

Speaker 2:

A long time ago, yeah but it started a long time ago. But the reason they started going broke because your politicians were taking money out of the post office. So the post office was never meant to generate money, it was just meant to sustain itself. But it wound up generating money. And then, you know, politicians would see all the money the post office would generate every year and the more and more people used it. It's like free money. Well, they started taking more money than the post office was generating out of the post office, so the post office couldn't even sustain itself I think post office is long dead because the FedEx UPS now Amazon delivery.

Speaker 2:

They won't give it to the post office because those guys can't. They do great and a lot of people love them, but they could never. Even all of them combined still couldn't fill in for the post office. Right now, as it stands, the post office pushes an ungodly amount of mail.

Speaker 1:

They just delivering order packages well, here's the thing you talk about technology and you're into ai so much. We're just gonna talk about this and then shift to the, the last portion. So I know the mail carrier or even truck driver is going to be replaced by AI. It's going to be replaced by a robot very soon and you know, like I said, the post office, even the UPS worker, might not have a job soon.

Speaker 2:

It would be amazing if that happened inside of 10 years. I ain't gonna even lie, because you'd have standardized mailboxes.

Speaker 1:

Because have you been to, let's say, West Hollywood? You've seen those little tiny cars delivering food already. Oh, yeah, yeah Of course I believe it's a human control. Still somewhere they have cameras. See from the little car.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they have to oversee it while it navigates For now, for now.

Speaker 1:

For now, yes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, while it navigates the thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but once they implement.

Speaker 2:

We're still so far off from that.

Speaker 1:

But listen, if they implement GPS or self-driving technology, then there's no need for human remotes anymore.

Speaker 2:

No and it.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's going to come fast. So last thing I want to this is going to come fast, so last thing I want to Huh, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

It's going to happen anytime soon Because there's a lot more infrastructure really wise that needs to be done to make it really work smoothly enough that everybody's like that. It becomes like second nature. It becomes so second nature. It's like the second nature of you buying a house and not worrying about whether your house has water or power.

Speaker 2:

In the united states, you know, you can buy a house almost any. You got to go way out in the middle of nowhere for somebody to be like does this place have its own water power or does it get in the water power? Even in a small town, nobody's going to ask if the place you're buying, nobody's going to think to ask if the place you're buying has got water and power supplied to it, because that's how prevalent it's become. It's just like a second nature type thing. Right, right, yes, it'll have to get close to that first. Like navigation alone. Navigating alone is one of the biggest issues, because now this little robot has to deal with people, dogs, rats, birds, random trash rolling down the street probably not birds every every moving thing you could think of a little bug that its sensor can pick up.

Speaker 2:

It has to. I get it like we take it for granted that we can go a block and come back with an apple juice.

Speaker 1:

It's no big deal, you know my car right now has a sensor like what you said, so sometimes people riding bicycle on the sidewalk or I can pick up and then it beeps and makes me nervous and then it beeps and makes me nervous yeah you move, you're like what, which is not danger in any way, but they pick up the signal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your car doesn't know the difference. Your car is like oh, oh, oh, oh, and you're like it's just a bag.

Speaker 1:

So last question for you, and then we'll close out this, Since you're so participating to the ChatGPT AI world. There's a saying that Joe Biden's phone call to Kamala Harris is a deep fake. What do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

I've been messing with what's the number now, and this is almost daily. I'm using 6, 7, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten semi-focused. I say semi-focused because they're supposed to be focused, generative, generative AIs, or they recall narrow-focused AI, narrow-focused artificial intelligence platforms, and some are I'm saying not to promote them because I'm not getting them for it but the chat GPT one when you start paying for it, you can get some good results. It's a learning curve to using it. Chat GPT one when you start paying for it, you can get some good results. It's a learning curve to using it and you learn and you have to keep using the same one you start. So it's good to keep it in a more narrow range of what you're doing with it. Yes, you know, because not only can it reference off to the the internet, you can have it reference off to the internet for focus things. You can have it reference back against everything you've done so far.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, some are good, some are trash so so the the fake that I was asking you and I posted a poll. She asked me how many people vote. So far, the poll about the call is a deepfake, meaning it's generated by AI with Joe Biden's voice. The poll is yes, no doubt. And then hell big no, don't care, and WTF. So the most vote we have is hell big no. So the question is do you think Biden's call to Kamala is real? So that means big no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I would say. I listened to it twice and I'm like that sounded like Joe Biden back when he was vice president for Obama. True, true, that's exactly who the Joe Biden speaking. The speech was so clear and direct and in line.

Speaker 1:

It has a strength because when you watch? Yeah, it was strong when you watch the debate. He was very.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like we're talking about the Joe Biden since January. That was not him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then the video is showing someone or someone go to a website that you can verify to see if it's AI-generated or not. Oh, I didn't watch that far, yeah, so whoever that video created was showing, 98% is AI-generated.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because I got one here, that one of the ones I did the video I showed you. The AI I used to make that tells you right after it makes a video. You can translate this video into 120 different languages, or I can go back and supply my voice for the AI to generate and say the words that were said in the video, so that I'm the one narrating the video.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's a lot of things, even images, along with the video. Yeah, there's a lot of things, even even images. Yeah, along with your, along with the voice. Yeah, it just looks like you and then you can make it. You can I saw you can make it into a movie. Just put a, put a like when you're just pretend you're writing the scene on a script.

Speaker 2:

That was how I had to put those videos together, put it together like a script.

Speaker 1:

External Downtown. La Thomas is walking on a sunny day down the 5th Avenue.

Speaker 2:

And it'll do it.

Speaker 1:

And the funny. Thing is.

Speaker 2:

I'm seeing AI pictures all over the Internet nowadays. Usually it's. I hate to say this because a lot of people don't realize it but the first industry that really latches on to a transformative technology this is how you know a technology is going to be transformative is and I hesitate to say it only because a lot of people are going to take it out of context but the porn industry. If the porn industry latches onto a technology, chances are extremely high that that technology is going to turn around and become a transformative technology in society, on a social level.

Speaker 1:

For sure it will, because I believe people are already dating AI or they make the video Right there. People are making the videos video Right there. People are making the videos too.

Speaker 2:

Right there I got some social media that I don't usually do anything. I have them for future projects or plans. I don't usually do anything and I swear every month in the last six months, every month, those, if I have them, if I'm in it, and I look at one thing or one person, boom, the algorithm starts. Because we know all these social companies. Their only goal is to keep you engaged, that's it. They're not trying to do anything. That's why I don't mess around with dating sites or social clubs or anything. The only goal is to keep you engaged. If I do a social club, it's one that I can. They're online but they're local to Los Angeles and I can go hang out Because anything else, it's just there to keep you engaged. That's why you never. That's another story.

Speaker 2:

We can actually we can do a whole show about that okay sure, but the thing is it's you just start getting people hitting your, hitting your age, hitting your face, hitting your page. Yeah, I have people, total strangers, that are all women between the age of 22 21 by appearance and 40 40 just liking comments I make. You know, on one hand it's like, oh well, my comment meter is going up, but that's about it. They're not liking anything. They're not liking comment. You know content I put out. They're liking comments I make on certain other people's pages, which is really largely just all other females' pages. Sometimes it's from a joke or food I'm real big Food is one of my favorites. I love a good meal, of course everybody does.

Speaker 1:

If I like a recipe Of course everybody does If I like something yeah if I like a recipe, yeah, this is what I always.

Speaker 2:

Inside 60 days, I'm going to start getting so-and-so liked your comment.

Speaker 1:

This is what I always say Foodie brings people together, oh it does it does.

Speaker 2:

That's why they hit you up on it.

Speaker 1:

Foodies bring people together. Politics separates people, oh yeah, so thank you for joining me and thank you everyone for watching, and I know we got a little bit longer today, but it's a good show. So please come back next week for our weekly live. Have a good night.

Speaker 2:

Good night everybody.

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