The Trans•Parency Podcast Show

Standing Tall: A Trans Voice in the Face of Opposition

Shane Ivan Nash, Blossom C. Brown

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We engage in a vital conversation on trans representation and activism with Blossom C. Brown and Shane Ivan Nash. This episode dives deep into the current state of trans rights and the importance of amplifying voices in a challenging climate.

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Speaker 1:

This is the Transparency Podcast Show.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Transparency Podcast Show. It is your girl, blossom C Brown, and I am here with the one, the only trans man who defeated and devoured. Ben Shapiro, shane, ivan Nash what's going?

Speaker 3:

on, and I have to give the introduction to the one and only Blossom C Brown. Make sure to Google her. She has taken on how many people in this week? What is it? Ben Shapiro? No, not Ben Shapiro. I'm still excited about that Listen, but you've taken on what Michael Knowles first Destroyed him, then what was it Piers Morgan Devoured and then Riley Gaines you stood up to.

Speaker 1:

Riley Gaines.

Speaker 3:

To the, to the girl that won fifth place and then decided to destroy america because she won fifth place and was a sore sportmanship in that whole situation awesome, I gotta tell you. The work that you are doing is impacting people in such a way on both sides liberal, democratic, conservative in the middle. How does it feel to have this moment and actually get to stand up for trans people with all of the rhetoric we're facing right now?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it feels so good. I good, I'm just like, wow, you know the Tommy Lauren reject. Oh my God, honestly, it feels so good, like I feel like I'm having a moment, and this is important because under the Trump administration, like, we got to have moments like this. We need to be amplifying our voices and our platforms any way possible and, for me, just going and debating is something that I'm truly passionate about. I care about my community. I also care about the issues and I love that. I'm growing, I'm expanding and you know there are haters in the comments section right now, because hold on Shane hold on, hold on.

Speaker 2:

You smell them Smells like low self-esteem and baloney in the comments section. They down there like little roaches hating conservative haters and conservative trolls. Welcome to the Transparency Podcast Show. You see I'm here, don't you? I know you love it.

Speaker 3:

Blossom, I love your activism. I love how you stand 10 toes down, as we always love to say in your work on how you see trans people and you actually show up for them and you go into these spaces that, quite frankly, I mean, we've got people that got huge followings on the liberal side that are afraid to do what you were doing, to be that person. In this moment right now, because so many trans people are getting hit day after day with this new legislation, with the passports, with everything that's going on. How does it feel to be doing what you're doing? Because I know it's a challenge too, because you've got critics even within our own community that have this idea of how activism works and this gatekeeping ideology. Meanwhile, nobody's doing anything to stand up to these bullies and you are actually standing up to these people. So how does it feel to even do that? And what do you want to say to some of these people that have created this idea that there's only one way to do activism? Because clearly there's not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really challenging. I'll be honest with you, because I tend to be a struggling black content creator, and that's not shocking, like I only have like 18,000 followers on Instagram and my TikTok is this and my other TikTok is that. But I make an impact, you sure fucking do and I want people to understand. It does not matter about your social media following. Do not let these people tell you that you have to have a certain amount of followers to make an impact. You see what I'm doing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I think we should be bolsterous. I think that it's important that we make our voices heard. And you know, there are other trans people who have their platforms and I don't always expect them to support me. I think that they're just trying to survive too. Yeah, I think we could always send the love and kindness across each platform and be able to hold each other's hand and just support each other. But you know, because we're in a game of survival, that may not always happen.

Speaker 2:

So I learned not to take that personal anymore. I just learned to kind of focus in my own lane, create my own lane and drive my own car in my own lane Because, truth be told, when we look around to our left and right to see what everybody else is doing when we're driving, that's how we fall off, that's how we like wreck, that's how we drive off the road, because we weren't focused on our proposed purpose. And I feel like my purpose in this lifetime is to debate people like Piers Morgan and devour people like Riley Gaines and stump people like Michael Knowles, who, in my opinion, is just rehearsed, and he gives little dick energy.

Speaker 3:

So, with that being said, as a trans man, nothing wrong with little dick, but you can be a dick about it. You know what I mean. Shout out to little dick energy.

Speaker 2:

Michael Knowles gives little dick energy. He's very rehearsed and honestly.

Speaker 3:

I know what you mean about that. Ben Shapiro did that too. Like when we were on set he kept going hi, I'm Ben Shapiro and I was like god, that's like a b-list actor that can't even make it in like an audition for a commercial, like didn't it kind of feel like it was like a failed actor you were talking to? Yeah, well they're both failed actors oh wait, michael.

Speaker 2:

And Michael Knowles. Yeah, he played a gay character in college like oh my god, I thought that was a rumor, so the photo of him that's real.

Speaker 3:

That's real. Is that why he kept talking about the leather daddy's thing? Because hold on, let me get into this. And we ho. Because how does a man who is claiming to be as straight as an arrow and knows all the things he does knows that much about Folsom Street leather fairs and stuff like that? Because, listen, I used to work for a leather magazine called the fight. Shout out to the fight magazine. Shout out to mark. Shout out to Stanford. Yes, I gave you a shout out, so make sure to do another article on me, guys. Um, I want to shout out the idea of how does this man know this much knowledge about the gay community? But yet he's allegedly straight? Because he knew more about leather than I do and I worked at a leather magazine working fulsome street fair myself yeah and it was like leather daddies, leather daddies.

Speaker 3:

And I know they cut some of the stuff from the episode because you guys were telling me that they cut a lot.

Speaker 2:

There were trans people that didn't even get to speak.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like there were trans people who actually got up there and spoke.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And they actually cut their scenes out too. It was kind of wild and crazy. But I will say about that particular Surrounded episode this was my fourth Jubilee video, but it was my first Surrounded episode and the community I've built on that show with some of the other debaters has been so beautiful. I've learned a lot from them. Like we have like a little group chat going, but I've learned so much from them and we all try to support each other. We may not always agree with some things with each other, but it feels like a beautiful community and I'm so grateful to be attracting my tribe, my debate tribe, and so you know, lately I've been getting a lot of criticism about why do I go on these Jubilee videos right.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, there's a whole thing on TikTok where everybody's saying don't go on it, don't feed them. What do you say to that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's a lot of trans conservatives who don't know what the hell they're talking about, but they sure do know how to post me and all the things or whatever, and so I want to take the time to address that. For me, the reason why I go on Jubilee is because I always like to hear people's perspective that have a different point of view than me. Now, for me, I don't go in this wanting to change people's mind, because I just can't. I like to see people's ways of thinking, people's patterns of thinking, and most likely, or most times, it's been like conservatives. So when I see conservatives' way of thinking, it helps me build a better defense in my talking points. So that's why I like to go on these more conservative platforms, because these liberal platforms are not platforming me enough.

Speaker 2:

I've always said, when it comes to trans liberals, we are not supported enough by the liberal party. That's why people like Blair, white, buck, angel and other trans conservatives are able to be supported in the conservative platform and I can't even really be mad at that, to be quite honest, because conservatives just tend to support their own. But there is a lack with Democrats and liberals when it comes to trans liberals like you and I. So that's just something that just needs to be addressed separately. But I go on there just for that. I love helping, building my brand. I love doing that. There was a video recently that circulated that my good sister, hope Giselle, who I love so much, who is a fierce Black trans activist, actually tagged me in and she actually gave me a shout out in the video, and so the video contained francesca ramsey, who is like this black trans the leopards eating.

Speaker 3:

If you heard that song on tiktok, where it's like they're eating your face, that's, that's what she's known for okay, yeah, so, um, I've seen her speak before now.

Speaker 2:

she was criticizing le, who was the white cis woman that was in the Surrounded episode with me, because there was a conversation about Francesca saying why are you going on there? Why are you supporting Nazis? I'm sorry, why are you not, but what did she say?

Speaker 3:

She was just like why are you platforming Nazis? I think was her why are you platforming Nazis?

Speaker 2:

Why didn't you just get up and go away when they were in the room? And I just want to clarify some things. First of all, when you're contractually bound, you just can't get up and go. Number one, number two please know what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

I am not the biggest fan of Francesca Ramsey, for so many reasons, and I was actually making a personal video on my IG about this. I think Francesca's content in the past looks down on other Black struggling content creators like myself. I think that she has this mentality where if you don't do it the way that I've done it and you don't build your platform the way that I've built my platform, because I've spent years of dedication to my platform, then it's just not worth looking at. And she has kind of relayed that message in some of her past content. I don't deal with that. Relay that message in some of her past content. I don't deal with that.

Speaker 2:

Um. I heard her speak at the black, uh queer summit um uh, I'm sorry, the black creative summit um about almost two years ago, and the thing is she's a great speaker and she in that particular um, in that particular programming or whatnot, she gave some good advice about being a Black content creator and I just think it's fascinating that she shits on other Black content creators and other people who use Jubilee in their creation. When you're trying to speak light and positivity to other struggling content creators, it's like girl, you're contradicting yourself. I don't know her personally. I don't know her heart. She may just not be like that. It could be a misunderstanding and so I give free will and free space to that, but I just think that we need to understand what's really going on behind the scenes. I love in the video that Hope Giselle was just like why don't we listen to the black trans woman that was there For me? We were not fully aware of everything that was happening.

Speaker 3:

Oh, break this down, because everybody thinks that I was even prepared with the Ben Shapiro thing and don't realize that I walked into that set blind, not even knowing who was going to be on there until two minutes beforehand. Meanwhile, from my understanding, ben Shapiro had the questions beforehand and it sounds like Michael Knowles had the same question. Let's do the Michael Knowles clip real quick, if we can actually play that, so folks can actually see it. That haven't.

Speaker 1:

Transgenderism should be eradicated from public life entirely.

Speaker 2:

I want to know your ideology around transgenderism, something that doesn't exist. It just sounds more like conservative propaganda, so I kind of want to know a little bit more about what you're trying to communicate.

Speaker 1:

It leads to the depriving women of their legitimate rights. In some cases it leads to rapes, notably in the last few years, and it also leads to women losing their sports competitions and their scholarships, and it's just disordered and false. And it also leads to more people adopting this identity, which leads to very high rates of anxiety, depression.

Speaker 2:

When we talk about these cases of women in the restroom, they're coming from cis men like you. So let's know and see they hate, they hate when I say that it's a fact.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's not trans women, it's cisgender men in this hypothetical theory.

Speaker 2:

White cis men that he's in proximity to Michael is in proximity to it because Michael is Latino.

Speaker 3:

And it sounds like he's very in proximity, if, to the idea that the way you dress and the way you identify is somehow going to put you in a position that is going to make men go into the restroom and somehow assault women, when meanwhile you've got men assaulting women in broad daylight in it's. It's like they're so focused on trying to say that they're saving women or protecting women. Meanwhile, this same language has now caused I don't know if you saw the stud that was in Arizona, tucson, arizona. This happened just a few days ago. Two officers came into the bathroom for a biological woman who is a stud presenting, you know, so people might see it and might see oh, that's a guy going to the restroom. The police were called and the only two men that were in that restroom that should have been arrested were those police officers.

Speaker 3:

Because now we've got like vagina police before we got GTA 6. Like how in the hell have we gotten to the space where people like this, who have this ideology that there's only one way to live, one way to breathe, the thing about you and I is like we just want to live the way we want to live, and I don't care how Michael Knowles lives. I just want him to stay out of my lane. Like you said, stay in your lane.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, michael Knowles actually misgendered me in the video. It was funny because I ended up being in his top three, that he had to choose from debating and his team went with the with one of the other people. And it was so funny because, in my opinion, michael was very rehearsed. Yes, he didn't really have any good talking points and I think conservatives just have such a low intellect, to be quite honest with you. That's why they're shouting and rooting for him. Michael really was saying a lot of things that made no sense. That's why I was just like I don't even think you understand what you're saying. You did Because you're so rehearsed, but conservatives that support him are just stupid to me because that's their mentality.

Speaker 3:

But even their side noticed this.

Speaker 2:

When the bar is so low when it comes to mentality of some conservatives because I'm not going to put it on all conservatives Then what can we do?

Speaker 3:

No, but even on their side they noticed in the comments of your video they're like well, michael Knowles did better than even Ben Shapiro did, and you and I know what that was about, because what happened with me and Ben Shapiro shook their size. So when Michael Knowles showed up to your set, he was ready to attack everybody. He was so aggressive. So many people on that set actually reported that he was so rude and aggressive. And I truly think that ben shapiro episode shook their side because they've never seen a trans person stand up for trans people.

Speaker 3:

And that's another point that I kind of had an issue with francesca's, because it's like we, as trans people, hardly get the opportunity to stand up for ourselves and have that conversation. Like hope said, we have so many cis people that want to get an award and celebrate and do all these things, taking the language that we built and biting on the back of that and then using that to become an advocate. Meanwhile you and I are just left in the dust having to deal with this administration and all the effects of all of this rhetoric that's coming from the conservative side. And another thing is like michael knowles walked off that set going haha. I just debated a whole bunch of people meanwhile, those 25, was it 25?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it was like 20 technically, I think it was 20 so 20 activists all.

Speaker 3:

I almost can guarantee that all of them went with like some sort of pain they carried after being on that set because of how it was even set up not all of them, because some of them were conservative, but that's a whole nother, oh really but, going back to francesca, right quick.

Speaker 2:

You know she made this video about lex yeah let me say this about also has a trans partner as well. She does have a trans partner. But here's the thing about lex. Lex was has been so protective of me as a black trans woman for her to be a white cis woman. Lex uses her privilege to help other disenfranchised people of color. Yeah, she may not always get it right, because we all make mistakes, but she's willing to always admit her mistakes and because francesca is only looking at things from a biased, blind view, it's like you don't get that. We always want our white folks to do better about us. Then, when we get white folks like Lex and yourself, who are using your access, who are using your privilege, who are speaking up for us when other folks don't want to hear us, we still find ways to shame them, and I'm not just. I'm not booty clapping to whiteness. I'm not booty clapping to whiteness.

Speaker 3:

I'm not, no, it's my word. I love you, love booty clapping.

Speaker 2:

I forgot my word, but I'm not, I'm not, just I'm not.

Speaker 3:

It's the whole liberal ideology that we don't. It's like we and it's something you should be doing. Let me make that clear.

Speaker 2:

I'm not giving props, because this is something that you should be doing, but I'm just bringing a point. I'm trying to bring notice to a point. Like you can't have it both ways, and I think you have to understand and realize that I don't. Again, I am not a fan of Francesca Ramsey. I think that she just looks down on other struggling content creators and I'm sure if she saw this, she can react to it. I have no problem with having a conversation.

Speaker 2:

She does hang around some of the other trans girls, but in my view, I think that these trans girls that she's around, or these trans people, have a certain aesthetic. They have millions of followers and they're not going to come to the. She's not going to come to the girls like me who don't have such a massive following, but I am very impactful and be willing to have these conversations. She's going to look at this. She's going to make a clapback video and be willing to have these conversations. She's going to look at this. She's going to make a clapback video. Her fans and followers are going to come shit on me. You know what I mean. It's going to be a whole thing, and it shouldn't be like that. And so I just commend Hope Giselle, who is a powerful black trans sister of mine. She's always doing the work. She's always making the content. She don't always. She don't care what other people think. Hope giselle makes it happen and I love my sister for that, because she sees me when others refuse to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, and I see you too, blossom, and I want you to know that your activism is part of a cumulative conversation of many activists coming together. There's no perfect way to do activism, and even myself at a younger age, would had kind of this idea of like, oh, they're doing it wrong or they're doing it wrong, and it's like I've really learned that. It's like I'm gonna stay in my lane and do what I feel is right as a trans person that is being put under a pressure cooker in this administration in so many ways. I mean, I'm waiting. I guess I just got a notification that I'm gonna get my passport today to find out whether or not there's an M or an F on it.

Speaker 3:

And it's like I know, right, stay tuned on other socials to find out what happens. And it's like we've got so much against us and everybody's so focused on being morally superiorly like this perfect activist, superiorly like, like this perfect activist. Meanwhile, there's no like real organization for the marginalized people that most of these perfect activists are throwing under the bus, like, like. I'm going to bring up one thing, just because I see the bangs today is the Madeline Pendleton thing, which we also call her baby bangs, and yeah, you've made it to a podcast girl. The conversation has made it to a podcast. Um, I don't know if you know what went on with Kat Black and Baby Bangs, aka Madeline Pendleton.

Speaker 2:

We love Kat Black here, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we do. Madeline really created this whole situation on TikTok that kind of put trans people in this political climate of being sacrifices to her way of activism, with no consideration of what it was doing to trans people, like giving us this ultimatum of like either you support gaza or you don't support gaza. Meanwhile, there's so much more nuance to an election and politics and being a one issue voter and creating that did and has cost the lives of trans people and Kat Black was trying to have that conversation, from my understanding, in a nuanced way, so that we could move on and get better as a community, so that when the next election cycle comes around, we could actually adjust some of the mistakes that we've made with the community infighting that's gone on. It's like the Republicans like, look at how problematic you've got all of these people that are on their side and their side is just cheering for them, just cheering for them. Now, I'm not saying that we need to go and do to that level of anything, but it's like what Don Lemon is saying and what people are saying which I feel like they're finally being inspired by some of the work we're even doing, because we're reaching platforms and hitting people now because of things like Jubilee, and people are starting to realize how our activism is important too.

Speaker 3:

You've got Congress members that are sitting outside of the Department of Education and there's one security guard there and they're just going. Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. There's nothing we can say. Meanwhile, you and I are actually going into these spaces, out of our silos, to have conversations with conservatives and do every single conversation land perfectly. No, sometimes we even get into them petty, like when you were on the Piers Morgan situation, which I want to roll that clip in a minute. I have to tell you. Ooh, chad, I know that there's so many people that are going to look at that clip and go Blossom, you did this, you did that, da, da, da da and do everything they can. They keep saying I'm emotionally charged. You know what?

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day, you've got years. I'm a double air sign You've got we emotionally detach people.

Speaker 3:

We've got 10 years of other activists that have been on huge platforms having conversations that were very like let's reach across the aisle, let's shake hands, let's try this. I this. I got to tell you how refreshing and how many times I am cheering and there's so many people that are cheering because finally, somebody is standing up to these people in a way that they feel actually feel seen. Yes, feel seen in a way that, like, I mean, we've got we've got so many policies coming down and the idea that this isn't a genocide on trans people. This is a genocide on trans people. If you look at everything and all the steps, we're in a domestic genocide. It's, it's a genocide on trans people and you've got an administration that is actively, actively pressuring us.

Speaker 3:

I gotta get to the pierce morgan clip, because it's just been the way that they even edited you. They did that on purpose. They did all of that little thing just so they could scoop that clip up and make their rage porn, but at the same time, your face now is put in a position and now elevated, so other people want to have conversation with you so that we can have these real conversations, because I watched you. You just got into your petty mode because you knew what, when we had a conversation right before you went on, you're like, no, I'm really going to try to have a conversation. And what ended up happening is I saw it in your eyes. They went like, oh, this is what this is, and you just played their game. You did you, you were, you were gonna outplay their game. You did so.

Speaker 2:

Tell me, first of all, let's play the clip for pierce, because we go y'all booty clapping to eat bus and actually get something done in this country, and eradicating trans people is not going to be it.

Speaker 4:

We all felt betrayed, we all felt violated in the locker room.

Speaker 1:

Riley is just a tremendous athlete and it was a very unfair situation and to have a president who is willing to listen to us.

Speaker 4:

I feel entirely vindicated.

Speaker 1:

There are only two genders, male and female.

Speaker 2:

Donald Trump is a complete morvine. Trans people exist. There are more than two sexes Blossom. Should we combine the Paralympics with the regular Olympics, as them all compete with each other? We talk about trans people. We're talking about gender identity. I need both of y'all mindset to become more expansive.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I know that's a little hard.

Speaker 3:

Can you answer my question?

Speaker 2:

I think, what you're saying is conservative propaganda, propaganda.

Speaker 3:

Can you answer my question I?

Speaker 2:

mean, why not? And to go back to Riley's point today.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, sam, you got her frustrated.

Speaker 1:

I just want to know why Donald Trump won. For me, this is absolutely about the integrity it's completely insane to me when it comes to the biology of sport, it is very, very clear cut oh, okay go for it, boss.

Speaker 3:

Hello, here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Here's the thing. So a couple of days ago I got an email from Piers Morgan's team. They had been trying to hit me up on like social media or whatever. I thought it was fake. But then somebody at Jubilee reached out to me and was like, oh, they want you to be on his show. And I had to contemplate. But I had a short turnaround and I decided to go on and do it.

Speaker 2:

Now, when going to Pierce Morgan's show, I already knew his past. He's deemed a racist. I think he's a fascist, he's very transphobic, he's very misogynistic. So I already understood this about him, right? I think it was important for me to get more exposure. I think this was an opportunity for me to strengthen my debate skills and, as you can see, I devoured Riley Gaines in this debate, and so the conservatives that are in the comment section now are mad like little roaches Because I devoured the Tommy Lauren reject and you can stay mad at me. And so the thing was he tried to give, he tried to give, he was. So Piers Morgan started booty clapping for Riley Gaines those flat flop cakes trying to clap them old wrinkled cheeks trying to clap for Riley Gaines, and the thing was, of course the white girl. They they're gonna try to make her look good, look amplified but riley intro alone, yeah, was so starkly different.

Speaker 2:

Let's be real from the jump she's an ignorant girl, she's, she's a dip, she's a dipstick and in my view, yeah, the thing about it was, you know, riley made her talking points and at the points and at the beginning of the episode he was talking about CeCe Tolford. I've met CeCe before through a mutual friend.

Speaker 2:

She even commented on your post, yeah yeah, yeah, she's actually a wonderful person to meet in real life but for some reason she comes up a lot on these particular platforms because of the whole transgender woman in sports thing. Because of the whole transgender woman in sports thing, and so because I remember at one point like they misgendered her or something like that and I was just not with it. When I go to a set and we're talking about one of my trans siblings, I don't play that. My time is a business transaction. I do not play about stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

You're not going to disrespect another trans woman to my face. I don't care how live on television it is, and you know people want to try to deem me as a lunatic and want to see me as emotional or whatever. I don't conform to that ignorance. I'm going to take up space because as a black trans woman, I deserve to take up space and, truth be told, a lot of y'all can't do what I do. Y'all don't go on Jubilee because y'all can't go on Jubilee. Y'all don't have the power and the courage like you and I do.

Speaker 3:

It's not an easy thing to do.

Speaker 2:

It's not an easy thing to do, and going on Pierce is another thing as well, too. I think they were not ready for me to come in with pure talking points, statistics that they could not rebuttal. Neither one of them could rebuttal my talking points.

Speaker 3:

Pierce was asking me a question that made no sense he's a moron and I knew he was trying to bait the uh, uh, bait me, yeah. And you baited him and I baited him with the sharon osborne thing. I gotta tell you. You had him on the ropes and then he started getting flustered and angry and just going like you know what blossom I'm glad you mentioned.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh yeah, somebody's triggered yeah, because the thing was he was making racial insistence to Meghan Markle and he was trying to and takes no responsibility on what he did to Sharon Osbourne.

Speaker 3:

He truly blames it from me watching it, as it was Cheryl Underwood's fault. Yeah, that through when-.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, they muted the part where I was, because they were muting me when I was saying Sharon's white tears, because I actually did say that he was trying to demonize Cheryl Underwood. But the reality of it is Sharon Osbourne was in the wrong and I knew that this was your friend.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So I remember all this happening because when it originally happened about two years ago, when Sharon got fired from the talk and there was like a, a whole lawsuit or whatever behind that, you know it, it became. That's when I really started noticing pierce, and so pierce's pierce was very disrespectful. Yeah, he tried. He kept trying to cut me off because he wanted riley to look good, because they were not expecting me to come in with facts. They were not expecting me to come in and talk about lived experience. They were not coming in uh, they were, I was. They were not expecting me to come in and take up space. They were not expecting me not to talk back and not to clap back. You got me totally confused.

Speaker 2:

When I go on these platforms, I said intention you are going to hear me over them is because I was showing up and making space for the voice of the black trans woman, because he was trying to suppress the black trans woman voice and try to amplify the white trans. He never, I'm sorry, the white, the white cis girl's voice. And the thing is again, riley could not defend herself against my talking points. She competed against Leah Thomas, who was a trans woman who won in the swimming competition, and so the thing is the point I was making about it on the show was Leah also lost some games. So that means she lost to cis women swimmers, so that means that some cis women swimmers.

Speaker 3:

I mean, wasn't it fifth place they were fighting over anyways? Yeah, it was fifth place. It wasn't even first place, it was fifth place.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that means some cis women like riley are stronger than trans women like leah, and that's what I brought up in pierce's show. Some cis women have natural uh, faster agility they have natural testosterone levels.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or profession, some trans women for 20 years yeah, and so genetics does play a part in that. But see, that conversation was too high vibrational, yeah, for them. That's why riley and pierce resorted to misgendering me. Yeah, well, mostly riley. But all I see with riley, uh, is low self-esteem, low confidence, insecurity, because a trans woman pretty much defeated her and she thought that by going to Donald Trump and booty clapping her, booty clapping those little cheeks for Donald Trump, that all of a sudden this exposure for her is just going to be so grand. And the conservatives they love ditzies like that. Riley Gaines is a ditzy in my view. I devoured her, I destroyed her in the debate. It was pretty obvious. I came in with facts and, girl, get over yourself, stop looking like a tommy lauren reject, which find your own style that she was on the other line.

Speaker 3:

She was on the other line when you said that.

Speaker 2:

That was hilarious yeah, I heard that tommy lauren was in the next segment. I didn't know um, because my friend, ernest um, ernest ernest owens I love so much. Ernest is such a powerful writer like his journalism is incredible. By the way, I love Ernest um Owens, but Ernest was in that segment and I saw Ernest had commented um in my Facebook post about it and it's so funny because when I was going to Pierce I thought about Ernest because I know Ernest has done episodes in the past, yeah, and he'd always done a great job. I know Roland Martin what is it? Mark Lamont, like all of them have been like the black comedians that have been on there, and so I was just like, oh shit, I'm going to be like up there with them or whatever, and so it was crazy that he ended up being in the next segment and he told me he actually saw all of what happened. He saw the entire thing.

Speaker 3:

I love that for you, because there's no way, tommy lauren isn't kind of like yeah and I did not sign an nda.

Speaker 2:

By the way, they did not nda me, so I have free, didn't they have like a news?

Speaker 3:

oh, that was one more thing that I wanted to talk about, because you told me, because I was on the phone with her with like, all of this was going down because at one point they're like, oh yeah, uh, we're gonna send a news van down at this time, and then something happened where they're like actually, and it was like 20 minutes before showtime. They're like, actually, can you do us a favor, can you set up a whole zoom setup when, like, I usually help you with the zoom stuff?

Speaker 3:

so we didn't even have time to set anything up and it felt like a sabotage on top of a sabotage on top of a sabotage, and even the way that he just like. If you watch the intro, this is telling right alone, and if nobody can see this, you are blind as day when it comes to looking at what the narrative that is being projected in these conservative areas and how they take trans people's narratives and twist them in media. Because right from the jump it goes the great Riley Gaines and then meanwhile it's like blossom this activist.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like it's to be expected from Pierce. That's the blossom this activist. Yeah, it's like it's to be expected from Pierce. That's the thing, though.

Speaker 3:

It's like you can't even pretend to be neutral for one second. Yeah, because he's what he is, but he portrays that to his audience. Yes, that he is neutral. Meanwhile, he's a racist and a fascist in my view, and he literally destroyed Sharon Osbourne's career and takes no responsibility for it. He actually has not convinced her.

Speaker 2:

And if they're still friends, that's weird to me.

Speaker 3:

If they're still friends, that's weird, because he convinced her that everybody was against her instead of actually going hey, you took a hit for being my friend that. I'm sorry that happened. Yeah, he had no responsibility for that. And Sharon, from what I learned in your episode, dealt with depression and all of these things. And he's sitting there talking like, yeah, she dealt with depression, never making a connection that it was him that put her in that position in the first place, because it wasn't even sharon that they were confronting. They're going hey, your friend's saying some racist stuff. What do you feel about it? And did she navigate it right? No, she didn't, she like. I watched the clip when they came back, she was like screaming at chery, cheryl Underwood and that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Nobody checked up on Cheryl Underwood, because Cheryl Underwood was was suffering the most. And that's what I was trying to bring up the point. Black women cannot be racist to white women, and Pierce and Riley think otherwise. Those two morons have no idea what I was talking about because, again, you don't have to intellect understand that black people in this country could never be racist. Black people can be prejudiced, thank you, but we cannot be racist. And, truth be told, riley and Pierce were mad because I was not going to bow down to them and because I'm not scared of them.

Speaker 2:

I am my ancestors' wildest dreams and while you're on Fox News talking about me, make sure you take this clip and let them know. I said what I said. I meant what I said. I destroyed and devoured Riley Gaines in a debate. I destroyed Pierce Morgan's whole ideology. I devoured him in a debate.

Speaker 2:

I am a badass and I'm the black trans woman, the black liberal trans woman that you would never forget. So when you go, run your friends to talk about me, honey, just know I'm still fly. I'm a powerhouse. I even got Pierce Morgan to admit that I was a powerhouse on television, on national television. Pierce Morgan, you are now my son and Riley Gaines you my daughter, morgan. You are now my son and Riley Gaines you my daughter, pierce Morgan. I got Pierce Morgan to admit that I'm a powerhouse on national television, trans, people, trans, struggling content creators. Please don't be fooled. You don't need a certain amount of followers to make an impact. If I can make Pierce Morgan my bitch and tell him and make him admit to me that I'm a powerhouse, honey, you can do it too. If I can make that man admit to me that I'm a powerhouse and make him my bitch and my son, you can do it too.

Speaker 3:

You're an inspiration. We need this so much right now. Inspiration, we need so much right now. We need this so much right now because, again, to see congress and cory booker throw his hands up in the air and say, I don't know what we want to do, meanwhile, someone who doesn't have a following is going into these spaces in an attention economy and actually grabbing the attention for trans people so that we can have conversations, so people can get to know us, even if it is the full us. You represent you, I represent me and this idea that we're going in and representing the whole trans community. Listen, we've had people.

Speaker 2:

We don't speak for everybody.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

We are representation from the community, because Pearson and them were talking about oh, you're bad representation for your community. I only speak for myself. Yeah, I don't speak for other trans people in the community, because they should have their own voices to speak. Why don't you give them a platform? I also named trans athletes like Chris Mosier and Skylar Baylor and CeCe Telfer Like there's so many trans athletes that they could talk to. But I also, I think, for Chris Mosier I think he said he made a post about this I should not have to defend my experience to people who don't give a damn about me, and I understand that.

Speaker 2:

So for me that gives room for me to come in and debate for you. Because, although I'm not a trans athlete, I study this because it affects my community. I study trans issues that affect our community. So that's why, for me, some of the things that were asking me I felt were better to be responded by somebody who is in that athletic field. But pierce ass can't get nobody over there. So that's why, all of a sudden, they came over there.

Speaker 2:

But, truth be told, I mean, think about it y'all they had to mute me because I'm such a powerhouse and because I have a voice. They had to mute me because they were not ready for what I was bringing. They were not prepared. They thought I was going to be another loud black woman, and I'm not. I'm petty, but I was bringing. They were not prepared. They thought I was going to be another loud black woman, and I'm not. I'm petty, but I'm not. I was very petty. Now I can admit I was very petty after I was doing all this and whatever like that. I got that from Anna Navarro, by the way, when she did the filing.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to Anna Navarro on the View because manifesting I get on the we both want to be on sunny hostin is my birthday twin.

Speaker 2:

Hey, sunny girl. Um, I've met whoopi goldberg before, we've taken a picture before, but that's gonna be my next. Stop the view, and yours too. We're gonna be on the view together. But, um, what was I saying? Pierce is just a mess. He's a fascist, he's a racist. But the thing about me is I had to look at face to face and face off with it. I'm not scared like that and people need to give you flowers for that.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, because it's like people go into situations especially you're doing it for the first time with truly no support, sometimes not even from your own community, because we don't really have much even to support each other. Yes, so there's this pressure cooker feeling that every trans representation needs to be absolutely perfect because of this, that and the other. Meanwhile, they're still saying and doing all the things when we have been following the rules. Only you and I recently have really stepped out with the podcast in the way that we have, because we saw the need that the conservative side had a podcast and had that energy and all of those parts of the internet that the liberal side wasn't even willing to touch. Like you and I, we understand what it's like to be a blue-collar worker. We know what it's like to deal with uh, the economy in the way that it is as an american in this country, and the effects of the tax laws, the effects of the status of us being trans, with the health care and stuff that we navigate. We have to deal with so much more than the average cis person, which another thing that pissed me off is when Pierce Moore was like we don't use that language. It's like, of course you don't use that language because you have this idea that the only way to be is your way.

Speaker 3:

And the thing that's so upsetting is me as a trans person, and I feel like you as a trans person. I't necessarily like do I want nazis around? No, but if you know what, if there's people that have an ideology that I don't agree with, that, that they think this, that and the other, I truly don't care, because I want to have mine. Yeah, and I want us to coexist in a safe way. That is all that trans people want to do, because there's this agenda that it's like we're trying to create this and we're trying to do that and we're trying to. It has nothing to do with anything other than I want to exist on this planet as an American, in this country, and have the same rights to go into the DMV and getting my driver's license, to be able to put a meal on the table for my family, to be able to go on vacations, be able to be with my friends and explore and life, love, pursuit of happiness, in the same way that someone that hates me wants to experience the world. It's no different and the difference between their world and my world is in my world. They still exist. In their world. I don't in my world. They still exist in their world. I don't exist and and it's so. It just.

Speaker 3:

It's so confusing to me how they can't see that we as a people are, you know, like when we've added pronouns to emails and we're creating more stuff. When hr, like when you get hired to a new job and there's a specific transgender training that's on there that the employees have to learn. When you know, I've been enrolled in a new job recently and there was a trans training and I was like, wow, this is because of the work that is done and when I go into that workspace I feel safer. I feel like I just get to be the average American person that everyone else gets to be, and that has always been my personal journey. I just wanted to be an average Joe.

Speaker 3:

The only reason why I got into politics and even social media and all of this stuff is because I felt like I was forced to as a trans person because I didn't see somebody saying the things that I felt and saw. And that's the same way why you got into the activism and do it the way that you do is because you don't see anybody standing up against this horrific, horrific rhetoric. It's like we're just standing there like doormats taking it, and I know that I've seen. The heart of this community and many communities on the left side has so much fight, so much energy, so much resources, and we have been all convinced to fight each other because of whatever sector that we are in, and don't realize that the game has been played, that the Republicans have created this narrative that we can't find commonality, because I can find commonality even with the straightest, most problematic man. I can find common ground with him in some way, shape or form. The answer is why can't you find common ground and see me as human too?

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm that was wonderful, and so I think riley made a video about me. Here's the thing. So after we made the episode that's more than she went station she went to tiktok y'all and she made this video about me. She misgendered me in it because she's a, she's a, she's a fucking moron. You know she's.

Speaker 3:

It is what it is, she's a damn fool as you, she's a damn fool.

Speaker 2:

She's a damn fool, um, and it's funny because she deleted the video. But of course y'all don't play with the screen record button and me, because you know I will. Yeah, I'm a research like and I think we have that video y'all let's take out what miss riley had to say about deleted this video.

Speaker 4:

So I just did piers morgan's show uncensored, which shout out peers. I think peers approaches things very logically, very rationally. We agree on a lot, we disagree on some, but I just did his show and, like the debate forum with a trans activist by the name of blossom, which, if you saw any of Michael Knowles' videos that have circulated with the Jubilee debate style forum, I think there was 30 trans activists surrounded by Michael Knowles. They get to raise their red flag if they want in and a chance to debate him. Michael did amazing.

Speaker 4:

By the way, blossom, the trans activist I just debated on Piers, was the large African-American man who identifies as a woman in some of these clips that the past 30 minute debate we just had was the most unhinged, absurd thing I have ever been a part of in my entire life.

Speaker 3:

Before you jump in, okay, because I have one thing I want to say. She wouldn't have a career if it wasn't for trans people. Hold on, wait for the thought. She wouldn't have a career if it wasn't for trans people. Her whole career is going on the internet crying about fifth place, basically destroying the American Constitution and working with the people to do that because she was too insecure to admit she wasn't a good athlete. I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

I grew up as an athlete, playing multiple sports and the only reason why I didn't continue is because I was trans, because I would knew I would have to deal with women like her, because, again, we have the whole trans male side of this never being discussed. I used to be able to shoot at half court and I'm blind. I did it without glasses on. I could have gone to the WNBA and had contracts and all of these things. I'm tall. I didn't do any of that because, as I went through puberty and dealt with the social ramifications of what it was to be who, I am as a big bitch, as not know where to go in sports, even though I trained like blossom, I used to wake up. I had a basketball court in my backyard as a little kid at like six years old, and I was that kid. I was going to be a prodigy. People like I was at one point like I was on this team for the city it was called the looney tunes. Shout out to the looney tunes. We won the championship, second place, oh shit. And I was like two feet taller than everybody on my team because I'm a, I'm a big, big bitch. Let's be real.

Speaker 3:

And navigating people like riley in sports, people like her would do anything in her possibility to take down people like me, no matter how much. I mean, I trained like I would wake up at 6 am and shoot basketballs and then go to school and then, like, carried my basketball all around and I ended up getting into music because I couldn't be in sports anymore because of people like Riley. Because it's not about protecting women, it's about this ideology of white supremacy, and a woman has to look like Riley in order to be validated, and even a woman looking like Riley can still be invalidated by a man whenever he pleases. In the patriarchal system that she is upholding, she's putting herself at risk. Instead of actually empowering all humans, all she's doing is turning and going. Oh, white supremacy. Here's a check and completely writing off the backs of trans people because realize, if she never ever ever competed against a trans person, we wouldn't know her name that's interesting we wouldn't know her name, yeah all right.

Speaker 2:

So thank you so much for saying that, shane. You know, when I look at that video, um, all I see is someone with low self-esteem, low confidence, insecurity, because she could not compete with my debate points. She goes to my physical appearance and I think most conservatives they always do that where they try to misgender me. They're like, oh, you're a man, look at that wig on Because they pull a Blair White tactic. That's a Blair White tactic and the thing is my intellect is totally unmatched to their ideology. I think all I see is someone who was just projecting their own insecurities because they could not debate me. When I came through and I gave statistics about the NCAA and the number of athletes and the ratio to that, she had nothing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because you went to the White House, you saw Donald Trump sign an executive order for less than 10 trans people signed an executive order for less than 10 trans people that now all women are subject to genital testing, to the point where women are now in just regular bathrooms. And this was all rhetoric. That really did start with Riley Gaines.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's what I said in the Piers Morgan show. Yeah, I said all women are now going to be subjected to these rigorous tests because you didn't took your foolish tale up to the White House with Trump to sign an executive order. It's going to be subjected to these rigorous tests because you didn't took your foolish tale up to the white house with trump to sign an executive order. It's going to affect you too, and a lot of my viewers noticed that her facial expression changed when I said that, because she really did not think about that and that was a talking point that she could not beat. She could not even touch that, and I think this video was a way of projecting, because why did you delete it after you made the post? She, she doesn't know because, you're because you're low.

Speaker 2:

You have such low self-esteem about yourself yeah, how dare a trans woman like leah thomas beat her in a sports competition? Then you're whining to donald trump, knowing that in a few short time donald trump is gonna start turning his back on people. He's going to start backstabbing. He's notorious for the reputation that he has, like his old vice president, mike Pence. Don't even deal with him Like Donald Trump is a screw up. He's a natural screw up, and the fact that Riley Gaines aligns herself with that it I mean birds of a feather flock together but they don't go anywhere and all riley gains can do is run to her little fox minions fox news minions and cry about it, because literally in the pierce morgan interview, pierce morgan was just like oh, I didn't think it was right that you were attacked and boo and ganged up on or whatever. What's wrong, riley? You can't handle it.

Speaker 3:

You can't handle people confronting's got the entire conservative side behind her doing and saying.

Speaker 2:

And who cares about the conservative side? No, like there's. It's crazy, but that's who she runs behind. Because the thing is, riley doesn't have the confidence to stand up for herself, which is why she has to run behind Trump, which is why she has to throw these things at me. Honey, I didn't do anything to you. Your low self-esteem, your low confidence is all on you. I, as a black, trans woman and divine, I'm confident who I am. Y'all can talk about my physical looks, but nobody can insult my intellect and I noticed none of them blare, from the blair whites to the buck angels to the amala ekunobis, all of them you are. None of them can insult my intelligence. None of them. You know she's gonna make another video them. Can you know she's going to make another video?

Speaker 2:

She's going to be like oh, another video, another video to make. They talked about me again. Here we go. None of them can insult my intellect. They always go well, with the exception of Amala. I don't think Amala has ever talked about my physical looks. So that I can appreciate about Amala, you know what? Give her a shout out. I'll have to give her a shout out for that, because I still coming to me like minions, in the same way.

Speaker 3:

Riley's even doing that.

Speaker 2:

Even Riley, and I destroyed Riley Gangs too in a debate, and that's just our view over here.

Speaker 3:

Michael Jones is even doing that. Like all of them are always trying to get ahead of the narrative before the episode even comes out yeah. Try to spin it so people already have a narrative when they watch it, instead of letting people just watch.

Speaker 2:

That is true, because Michael knows Blair did it, michael knows did that, michael did it.

Speaker 3:

Riley's done it. Oh, that's true, and it's like if you are so strong with your work, why do you have to add that extra like let's rile up our followers?

Speaker 2:

Just let your followers watch and decide for themselves, because they can't debate liberals the way that they think they can and conservatives.

Speaker 3:

Well, to be fair. To be fair, and this is why I love your activism and my activism name a liberal that could stand up to ben shapiro the way that I have because I don't know, it is none, because people feel like it's a waste of time to do so.

Speaker 2:

And the thing is, we're not here to change people's minds. We're here to give our talking voice and, let you be known, we're still not going nowhere.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and to show that we're powerful as well, yes, that we can stand up for ourselves, we can protect ourselves. That we have the education and nuance to understand what's happening within society as Americans, as trans people, and the nuance of how that all blends together. That we don't have this one issue of you and I are just trans people coming into the space. You and I are Americans that happen to be trans people, that happen to be living within the space that we do, to be trans people that happen to be living within the space that we do and we learn to navigate it.

Speaker 3:

With so much visceral hate, especially from people that are purely like to me, it all just feels really grifty. Oh yeah, like like the riley, like just even talking this out right now. It feels like if you talk enough shit about trans people, you're're going to get a platform and my question is why does that bother people so much? And I've had theories, and this is where I get into my allegedly zone. I got to say allegedly because I'm not trying to get sued. Oh yeah, but let's talk about Elon Musk for just a second, but I don't want to do it too long because we know she likes to sue, as Kendrick, you know, did in the Super Bowl oh my sue. As kendrick, you know, did in the super bowl oh my god um elon right now has a baby mama on twitter.

Speaker 3:

That's a conservative. Uh, twitter, something kind of looks like a blair white kind of somebody, similar, just the same, it's all the same that's her upper top lip move I don't know.

Speaker 2:

It just seems like there's a factory of them that are being made as long as her upper top lip moves is all good and not saying anything, I think anything. I just wonder if her upper top lip moves?

Speaker 3:

basically, elon is like rejecting any communication about this child, any support or anything. That's going on right and they've been trying to reach out to him publicly through twitter because he's just ignoring all of that. Now, grimes, I'm just make sure I'm going to add an allegedly every time because I'm not getting sued. But Grimes, listen, we got to keep it on air. Grimes is now reaching out publicly saying, hey, your kid is having a medical emergency. You need to reach out to me, I need to speak to you. And meanwhile he's like got a chainsaw with glasses on, allegedly on ketamine at the that's a CPAC thing and doing all of this like God knows what stuff on stage and people just keep going yay, elon.

Speaker 3:

Meanwhile, it's like this is somebody who's allegedly saying something about traditional values and family and all of these things, and it's like I look at his life and I look at my life. I go, wait a second. I've been with the same woman for 20 years. I practice all like if you were to look at my life and just put it against to what a Christian ideology is. I match them all, every single one of them, except for I'm trans. That's it Like I help my fellow man, I help my neighbor, I do my part to society, I contribute, like all of those things, but I'm just trans, so somehow that makes me the devil.

Speaker 3:

Meanwhile, you've got a man who has multiple baby mamas, is not even taking care of his kids, using his kid as a prop on his shoulder, so he doesn't get shot because it's like what are we doing there? Allegedly let me add it, allegedly there. And at the same time I found this I've been always wondering, so curious about elon mus Musk, because he's got all this money. I'm like what is his interest in trans people?

Speaker 2:

I think, because his child came out as trans, that he has this whole hatred thing. But I also think Elon Musk is blackmailing Donald Trump. I don't know about what, I don't know about who. I truly believe that he is blackmailing Donald Trump because when I saw that of elon and his son in the office with donald trump and elon's son telling donald trump you are not the president and shut up or whatnot like clearly that's how president elon talks about.

Speaker 3:

Like I don't agree with trump right, but the optics of that as an american to see the resolute desk be put into that position yeah that is so un-american on so many levels.

Speaker 2:

Well, elon is not from america, that's the thing. He's an immigrant. And ironically, they're trying to deport all these immigrants from the country and it's like donald trump's wife needs to go because she's an immigrant. Elon musk needs to go because he's an immigrant. So I mean, like it doesn't oxymoron of it all, like the contradictory of it all. You know what I mean but it all.

Speaker 3:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

But what's his obsession with trans people? I really genuinely think because his child came out as trans. He's never been able to get over it and, like Laverne Cox said, they're focusing on the wrong 1% of the population. They should be focusing on these billionaires and, like Laverne said, trans people are not the reason why your eggs are high, your gas is high, why groceries are so high. You know what I mean. We're not the reason, but I think that they're trying to steamroll and gaslight and smokescreen this whole trans issue and try to make it seem like we're such a problem to the American people because they're doing a lot of things behind the scenes that they're going to eventually get caught. And we, as trans people, we know we're resilient, but we're also tired. It's exhausting, it's tired and we have to make space for that.

Speaker 3:

We've got a billionaire who, again I'm going to say this, I'm going to add the allegedlys there, but like what I understand also there's more trans. Lore to Elon is, I guess Chelsea Manning, which is like the whistleblower from a little while ago, ended up taking Grimes from Elon. So Grimes is Elon's child, right? No, no, no, Grimes is Elon's ex, and you know the kid that?

Speaker 4:

said the thing at the desk.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay okay, that's their kid.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Oh, Chelsea's with her.

Speaker 3:

So my thing is is like I think people are not realizing that this is a man who is a bitter ex with a lot of money yeah, a lot like. Imagine, imagine your worst ex, your worst ex that you could ever think of, has so much money. It is unfathomable. They can change the entire way the world works because of the influence that it comes with, and that's where I think the focus of trans comes.

Speaker 3:

I think that because he got his heart broken because a trans woman took his girl and not only that, allegedly, I'm gonna add that allegedly uh, his daughter is trans the combination of those two things, instead of him actually maturely processing what was going on in his life, he's acting like a giant man child.

Speaker 3:

And because he has all this money to support his behavior and he's got sycophants and people that need money in their pockets too, it's now created this, like you said, birds of a feather with Riley Gaines, and they all kind of like worked together, and it's like you had to get all of these people together to try to take apart the heart of america and what it means to be an american, because this is not what it means to be an american.

Speaker 3:

To be an american means to support one another, to innovate, to create, to support. Like there's so many layers to being an american. It's not about creating this hate narrative and taking down trans people and, like you can look at the history of the nazis in 1933 and the book burning of magnus hershfield and that was the first book burning with trans books and it's all parallel to today and we've got someone who's got an immense amount of money and I just I really wish Elon Musk would stop doing what he's doing and work on whatever his personal stuff is and and stop attacking trans people in the way that he is. Whatever, you know, whatever's going on with his kid or whatever is going on with his ex-partner is not my community's responsibility, because he doesn't have the maturity to understand that his situation didn't go right for him because he didn't navigate it right, and it just feels like this big projection of this person who's like this angry ex, doing everything they can to hurt the people that he used to say I love you to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but let's remember, we as a trans community are strong, we're powerful, we can withstand anything. It's interesting how people love to bring us up in conversation, especially when we're not in the room, because it's always an easy flex for other people when they don't know what the hell they're talking about. I think and I also need to address this, because these trans conservatives are also getting on my nerves these days because during the whole debate they're just like y'all make trans people look bad. First of all, anybody who goes on a jubilee debate is freaking powerful, because it's a lot. You really don't know what you're walking into. And so I think trans conservatives, some of our trans sisters, who want to be conservative which is why I don't understand that's a whole oxymoron. But that's your prerogative. If you want to be miserable in that, that's your business. No judgment, because not all trans conservatives are bad. There are some that want to like, that are more moderate, that want to reach across the aisle. Yeah, if you can't go on a jubilee debate and go on there yourself and debate, you have no room to criticize the trans girls that go on there. Instead, why don't you look at your sisters, hit them up and say, first of all, are you okay and then give your opinion or your view? I can understand that some of y'all just want to be loud, obnoxious and rude and ignorant, just because you can.

Speaker 2:

I got tagged in a post by this trans woman and she's beautiful. She's an OnlyFans girl and there's nothing wrong with that, and she was just going on a rant talking about some y'all made our community look bad. Stop going on Jubilee, making them look bad, da-da-da-da-da. Well, girl, first of all, like I said, get information before you post. You know nothing about the why. Optics, to me, are an illusion because you don't know the why. If you're not asking the why when you're looking at an optic, you're not getting the full story. And I think a lot of these girls look at these Jubilee videos and they're so quick to have an opinion, but you don't ever do research. You just want your followers. You want to make your little content, get your little followers up, and you sound stupid, in my view when you do that.

Speaker 2:

I don't have to answer to anybody on the why I go on these certain platforms. I don't have to, I choose to and I'm going to continue to do it because a lot of y'all that are criticizing, can't do what I do, and I think we need to waken up that talking point for real, when you see us going against Ben Shapiro and Riley Gaines and Pierce Morgan and all these people. One yes is to build exposure as trans people because, let's be clear, we're under a Trump administration and trans voices are now more crucial, more than ever. So us going on these platforms is so important because our visibility needs to still be above water, because Trump is trying to take it obviously. So don't get mad at us. Get mad at the game that has been played and that has been put into place that's trying to separate you and I when there should not be a separation. I am not going to apologize for going on camera and being me. Y'all accuse me of being emotionally charged. I'm just emotionally passionate because I'm an empathetic person and I care.

Speaker 2:

I've always been like that when this is happening. I've always been like that. But the only problem is I don't conform to optics. No-transcript, have the intellectual capacity to understand what I'm saying. Pierce and Riley did not have the intellectual capacity to understand that black women cannot be racist to white women. So if I, if you, can't understand that basic truth, then I'm sorry we can't have a conversation. I'm sorry, why waste my time? And I think a lot of y'all are just upset and y'all just want to be keyboard bullies. But the thing is you can't bully me. I love doing this work. I want to continue going on more of these platforms and I'm going to make it happen. The View I'm coming for you on ABC and Good Morning America. I'm coming for all cable morning news shows. What's up? Riley Gaines is on Fox News booty clapping over there talking about me making these videos. Why can't I go on the more liberal ones MSNBC, hello, how you doing, roland Martin, how you doing, truly, you know what I want to do.

Speaker 3:

I want to call out Joe Rogan. How are you doing? You know what I want to do. I want to call out joe rogan. How you doing? Call me in, by the way he got he got dethroned I know one podcast by a liberal. I want to go on the midas touch yeah, my just actually, my just shout us out, please, please, my just touch. We want to be on you, so I want to download their um, their podcast.

Speaker 2:

I actually want to download it and listen to their content.

Speaker 3:

They, they are so good and they get the news like the way that Twitter used to get the news before Elon bought it, because I used to use Twitter too to get what's happening in the street and stuff like that, and you used to be able to just jump right on Twitter and you would know exactly what was happening, and now it's a useless platform. Honestly, it doesn't do any of that for me. I have to know I've shifted towards tiktok, which, even after the tiktok has come back. There's definitely a shift in the algorithm. It's not the same. We're not seeing ufos protests or any of the stuff that we used to see. I haven't seen a cat williams or a jaguar right video in the longest time, and even though jaguar right just recently accepted something from trump I don't know, that's a little interesting there too, I don't know if it's all that it's I mean, but she was on peers too, so we're, I guess we're like in the same, it's all this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, conversations are cumulative and I think it's important to invite you to the table because, for so?

Speaker 3:

many years our liberal folks and our left side has always had this buttoned up approach to the point where now the right knows that that's how we move and they are navigating, going. Oh well, they're not going to do anything if we do this. They're not going to do anything if we do this and it's time for us to stand up for America in the way that we have all felt that we need to stand up, and you and I do inspire. I mean I got so many messages and I saw that one message. I'm a 16 year old trans girl, blossom. Thank you so much. And it's like as much hate as I have received, and as you've received, the fact that I'm getting messages from young trans folks saying, during this administration, you made me laugh, you made me feel hope, you made me feel strong. I mean there are people that tell me that they put on my ben shapiro thing and just listen to it as like a morning mantra that's beautiful and like that right there.

Speaker 3:

That impact will create more conversations and more people to be inspired to stand up for themselves, and they may even make a bigger impact than us and we can be a jump off point for them to understand that we cannot live in this world and not protect what we love. Our like, our country is literally under attack right now, being ripped because of trump because of curtis yarvin's.

Speaker 3:

You know yes, I know all. Listen, I've been through every red pill thing. That's the difference between my style of activism too. We went and looked at what's going on outside of our silos and we're trying to navigate the conversation in a way, like I want to really help a lot of these red pill men. To be frank, honest with you, like cause, with the violence that goes on in society, there is a lot of stuff that goes on that created these cracks for these guys to fall through and then all of these red red pill pipelines came and scooped them up. I would love to teach cis men how to treat women as a trans man you better get paid for it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I will. I will not doing free labor.

Speaker 3:

I will, but I ain't no free labor going out over here in a way that genuinely helps society as a whole, like if everybody's looking at the birth rate, this the birth rate that if you're continuously putting violence on women throughout the entire world, I mean the birth rate issue is an issue it is especially for black women like even in america too.

Speaker 3:

On top of it, did you know that we have the lowest like like we're in I think it's like 52 percentile in terms of mothers surviving after pregnancy, and then we've got a board. It's like this is not the way to go to gain a population, and I don't understand what businessman is looking at how humans work and going, hey, let's put a bunch of restrictions and control women and all of this stuff, and somehow kids are going to come out, because what you're going to end up with is a population of people that are more likely to be criminals, murderers and violent, because a lot of those kids that were born before abortion, the statistics of violence, uh, rape, all of those things have gone down, because the kids that women were having were kids that they wanted to have.

Speaker 3:

They weren't being forced to have those kids, and then that kid has to live with that mom or dad that doesn't care for them, which then creates a kid that grows up in society and then creates more violence and destruction because no one actually support it's like I genuinely want to help these red pill guys. I want to help honestly, like humanity as a whole and I feel that trans people because we represent bodily autonomy in the way that we do and have the power to choose. It's why that trump wanted to sign a law against 10 people, because trans people are such a threat to the idea of the control that has been used on society for years and years and years.

Speaker 2:

Wait, the comment section? Oh no, I know they're all mad in the comment section. I can smell y'all. I can smell the low self-esteem there and our supporters. If you're a supporter, we love you so much. Thank you so much for always supporting us. But the conservative haters that have come to troll us. I can smell your low self-esteem. It smells like diarrhea and it's disgusting.

Speaker 3:

And thank you for the metrics, by the way, because even the hate comments we get paid on, all of it I mean.

Speaker 2:

And on that note, before we get out of here, remember do not interrupt a black trans woman when she's speaking. And on that note, y'all, we're going to get ready. To wrap it up here, I want to say thank you so much to my wonderful co-host for always being magnificent. I love you so much, shane. You are my best friend. I love you dearly. You are always a white trans man who always uses his privilege, his access, to help other people of color, and I'm so grateful for the work that you do.

Speaker 2:

It's not easy work. Keep giving them hell. I love your wife, nicole. She's amazing. Like y'all have been such a big influence in my life and I just want to give you your flowers and just say thank you so much. You mean the world to me. Don't say a word, sit with it, receive it, because I'm going to exit us out of here. Thank you so much, y'all, for watching. Make sure you hit the subscribe button down below, because I think we forgot to sit at the top of the show, so that way you know when we're posting new videos. And there it is. Take a little time to enjoy the transparency podcast show. We'll see you next time.

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