The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
In The Trans•Parency Podcast Show podcast, the host team, Shelbe Chang, Shane Ivan Nash, Jessie McGrath, and Bloosm C. Brown take you on a journey exploring the transformation stories, community dynamics, advocacy, entertainment, trans-owned businesses, and current events surrounding the lives of trans individuals.
Join us in enlightening conversations as we sit down with guests from the trans, LGBTQ+ community, and allies. Through powerful storytelling, they delve into their journeys, highlighting the trans people's transition from who they once were to their authentic selves. Also, this podcast uncovers individuals' experiences as allies who positively impact the trans community.
Our purpose-driven mission is to empower the trans community and uplift our voices, ensuring that we can be heard and beyond far and wide.
The Trans•Parency Podcast Show
Why Blossom Refused to Back Down on Piers Morgan Show
A fierce discussion on the representation of trans individuals in the media and the challenges faced.
Key insights address the dynamics of debate, personal experiences, and societal narratives surrounding trans issues.
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And I knew that this was your friend. Yeah, so I remember all this happening because when it originally happened about two years ago, when Sharon got fired from the talk and there was like a whole lawsuit or whatever behind that, you know, it became, that's when I really started noticing Pierce. And so Pierce was very disrespectful. He kept trying to cut me off because he wanted Riley to look good, because they were not expecting me to come in with facts. They were not expecting me to come in and talk about lived experience. They were not coming in. They were not expecting me to come in and take up space. They were not expecting me not to talk back and not to clap back. You got me totally confused.
Speaker 1:When I go on these platforms, I set an intention. You are going to hear me, and the reason why I kept talking over them is because I was showing up and making space for the voice of the black trans woman, because he was trying to suppress the black trans woman voice and try to amplify the white trans I'm sorry, the white cis girl's voice. And the thing is again, riley could not defend herself against my talking points. She competed against Leah Thomas, who was a trans woman, who won in the swimming competition and so the thing is. The point I was making about it in the on the show was Leah also lost some games, so that means she lost to cis women swimmers.
Speaker 2:So that means that some cis women swimmers I mean, wasn't it fifth place they were fighting over anyways? Yeah, it was fifth place. It wasn't even first place, it was fifth place.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that means some cis women like Riley are stronger than trans women like Leah, and that's what I brought up in Pierce's show. Some cis women have natural faster agility.
Speaker 2:They have natural testosterone levels than some trans women.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so genetics does play a part in that. But see, that conversation was too high vibrational for them. That's why Riley and Pierce resorted to misgendering me. Well, mostly Riley. But all I see with Riley is low self-esteem, low confidence, insecurity, because a trans woman pretty much defeated her and she thought that by going to Donald Trump and booty clapping her, booty clapping those little cheeks for Donald Trump, that all of a sudden this exposure for her is just going to be so grand. And the conservatives they love ditzy's like that. Um, riley gaines is a ditzy in my view. I devoured her, I destroyed her in the debate. Um, it was pretty obvious. I came in with facts and, girl, get over yourself, stop looking like a tommy lauren reject, which find your own style that she was on the other line.
Speaker 2:She was on the other line when you said that.
Speaker 1:That was hilarious yeah, I heard that tommy, Tommy Lauren was in the next segment. I didn't know Because my friend Ernest Ernest Owens I love so much Ernest is such a powerful writer Like his journalism is incredible, by the way, I love Ernest Owens, but Ernest was in that segment and I saw Ernest had commented in my Facebook post about it. And it's so funny because when I was going to Pierce I thought about Ernest because I know Ernest has done episodes in the past and he'd always done a great job. I know Roland Martin what is it? Mark Lamont Like all of them have been like the black comedians that have been on there, and so I was just like, oh shit, I'm going to be like up there with them or whatever. And so it was crazy that he ended up being in the next segment and he told me he actually saw all of all of what happened. He saw the entire thing.
Speaker 2:I love that for you, because there's no way Tommy Lauren isn't kind of like yeah, and I did not sign an NDA.
Speaker 1:By the way, they did not NDA me.
Speaker 2:So I have free phone with her with, like, all of this was going down because at one point they're like oh yeah, we're going to send a news van down at this time. And then something happened where they're like actually, and it was like 20 minutes before showtime. They're like, actually, can you do us a favor, can you set up a whole Zoom setup when, like, I usually help you with the Zoom stuff, so we didn't even have time to set anything up and it felt like a sabotage on top of a sabotage on top of a sabotage, and even the way that he just like.
Speaker 2:If you watch the intro, this is telling right alone, and if nobody can see this, you are blind as day when it comes to looking at what the narrative that is being projected in these conservative areas and how they take trans people's narratives and twist them in media. Because right from the jump it goes, the great riley gaines and then meanwhile it's like blossom, this activist yeah, it's like it's to be expected from pierce.
Speaker 2:That's the thing, though it's like you can't even pretend to be neutral for one second yeah, because he's what he is but he portrays that to his audience, that he is neutral. Meanwhile, he's a racist and a fascist in my view, and he he literally destroyed sharon osborne's career and takes no, no responsibility for it.
Speaker 1:He actually is and if they're still friends.
Speaker 2:That's weird to me if they're still friends because he convinced her that everybody was against her instead of actually going. Hey, you took a hit for being my friend. That I'm sorry that happened. Yeah, he had no responsibility for that. And sharon, from what I learned in your episode, dealt with depression and all of these things. And he's sitting there talking like, yeah, she dealt with depression, never. What about connection that? It was him that put her in that position in the first place, because it wasn't even sharon that they were confronting. They're going hey, your friend's saying some racist stuff. What do you feel about it? And did she navigate it right? No, she didn't, she like. I watched the clip when they came back she was like screaming at cheryl underwood and that's the thing.
Speaker 1:Nobody checked up on cheryl underwood because Underwood, because Cheryl Underwood was suffering the most. And that's what I was trying to bring up the point. Black women cannot be racist to white women, and Pierce and Riley think otherwise. Those two morons have no idea what I was talking about Because, again, you don't have the intellect to understand that black people in this country could never be racist. Black people can be prejudiced, thank you, but we cannot be racist. Black people can be prejudiced, thank you, but we cannot be racist. And, truth be told, riley and Pierce were mad because I was not gonna bow down to them and because I'm not scared of them.
Speaker 1:I am my ancestors wildest dreams and while you're on Fox News talking about me, make sure you take this clip and and let them know. I said what I said. I said what I said. I meant what I said. I destroyed and devoured Riley Gaines in a debate. I destroyed Pierce Morgan's whole ideology. I devoured him in a debate.
Speaker 1:I am a badass and I'm the black trans woman, the black liberal trans woman that you would never forget. So when you go run your friends to talk about me, honey, just know I'm still fly, I'm a powerhouse. I even got Pierce Morgan to admit that I was a powerhouse on television, on national television. Pierce Morgan, you are now my son and Riley Gaines you my daughter. Pierce Morgan I got Pierce Morgan to admit that I'm a powerhouse on national television trans people, trans, struggling content creators. Please don't be fooled. You don't need a certain amount of followers to make an impact. If I can make Pierce Morgan my bitch and tell him and make him admit to me that I'm a, that I'm a powerhouse, honey, you can do it too. If I can make that man admit to me that I'm a powerhouse and make him my bitch and my son, you can do it too.
Speaker 2:You're an inspiration. We need this so much right now. We need this so much right now because, again, to see Congress and cory booker throw his hands up in the air and say I don't know what we want to do, meanwhile, someone who doesn't have a following is going into these spaces in an attention economy and actually grabbing the attention for trans people so that we can have conversations, so people can get to know us, even if it is the full us. You represent you, I represent me and this idea that we're going in and representing the whole trans community. Listen, we've had people.
Speaker 1:We don't speak for everybody.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:We are representation from the community, because Pearson and we're talking about oh, you're bad representation for your community. I only speak for myself. I don't speak for other trans people in the community, because they should have their own voices to speak. Why don't you give them a platform? I also named trans athletes like Chris Mosier and Skylar Baylor and CeCe Telfer Like. There's so many trans athletes that they could talk to. But I also, I think for Chris Mosier I think he said he made a post about this Also, I think for Chris Mosier I think he said he made a post about this I should not have to defend my experience to people who don't give a damn about me, and I understand that.
Speaker 1:So for me, that, gives that gives room for me to come in and do a debate for you. Because, although I'm not a trans athlete, I study this because it affects my community. I study trans issues that affect our community. So that's why, for me, some of the things that were asking me I felt were better to be responded by somebody who is in that athletic field. But Pierce ass can't get nobody over there. So that's why, all of a sudden, they came over there.
Speaker 1:But, truth be told, I mean, think about it y'all they had to mute me because I'm such a powerhouse and because I have a voice. They had to mute me because they were not ready for what I was bringing. They were not prepared. They thought I was going to be another loud black woman, and I'm not. I'm petty, but I'm not. I was very petty. Now I can admit I was very petty out there. I was doing all this and whatever, like that. I got that from anna navarro, by the way because when she did the filing shout out to anna navarro on the view, because I love the view I'm manifesting.
Speaker 1:I get. We both want to be on sunny hostin is my birthday twin. Hey, sunny girl, thank you.